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2881 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Secretory Mechanisms of Grepafloxacin and Levofloxacin in the Human Intestinal Cell Line Caco-2/ 미리보기
Yamaguchi, Hiroaki Williams & Wilkins 2000
2882 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Sequence Analyses of CYP2B Genes and Catalytic Profiles for P450s in Qdj:Sprague-Dawley Rats That Lack Response to the Phenobarbital-Mediated Induction of CYP2B2/ 미리보기
Yamada, Hideyuki Williams & Wilkins 2001
2883 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Stereoselective Metabolism of Cisapride and Enantiomer-Enantiomer Interaction in Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: Major Role of CYP3A/ 미리보기
Desta, Zeruesenay Williams & Wilkins 2001
2884 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Stereoselective Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Organic Nitrates in Rats/ 미리보기
Hatanaka, Tomomi Williams & Wilkins 2001
2885 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Structure-Hepatic Disposition Relationships for Cationic Drugs in Isolated Perfused Rat Livers: Transmembrane Exchange and Cytoplasmic Binding Process/ 미리보기
Hung, Daniel Y Williams & Wilkins 2001
2886 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Synthesis of 5-Oxo-6,8,11,14-eicosatetraenoic Acid and Identification of Novel w-Oxidized Metabolites in the Mouse Macrophage/ 미리보기
Hevko, John M Williams & Wilkins 2001
2887 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Tasosartan, Enoltasosartan, and Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade: The Confounding Role of Protein Binding/ 미리보기
Maillard, Marc P Williams & Wilkins 2000
2888 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Three-Dimensional Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship Computational Approaches for Prediction of Human In Vitro Intrinsic Clearance/ 미리보기
Ekins, Sean Williams & Wilkins 2000
2889 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Transcriptional and Post-Translational Regulation of CYP1A1 by Primaquine/ 미리보기
Werlinder, Veronica Williams & Wilkins 2001
2890 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Transport Characteristics of Anti-human Immunodeficiency Virus Nucleoside Analog, Abacavir, into Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid/ 미리보기
Thomas, S A Williams & Wilkins 2001
2891 저널기사 ABSORPTION, DISTRIBUTION, METABOLISM, AND EXCRETION - Vesicular Transport of Newly Synthesized Cytochromes P4501A to the Outside of Rat Hepatocyte Plasma Membranes/ 미리보기
Robin, Marie-Anne Williams & Wilkins 2000
2892 저널기사 Absorption dynamics of CO~2 bubbles in a pressurized liquid flowing downward and its simulation in seawater 미리보기
Tsuchiya, K Pergamon Press 1980
2893 저널기사 Absorption edge in liquid iodine under pressure 미리보기
Buontempo, U North-Holland 1980
2894 저널기사 Absorption Efficiency of Spiral Gas-Lift Wash Bottle / 미리보기
Corson, B. B American Chemical Society 1938
2895 저널기사 Absorption/Electron Transfer/Absorption-An Efficient Pathway to HydratedElectrons in Laser Flash Photolysis 미리보기
Zubarev, V VCH Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, [etc.] 1980
2896 저널기사 Absorption enhancement in silicon-on-insulator waveguides using metal island films 미리보기
Stuart, H. R American Institute of Physics 1980
2897 저널기사 Absorption enhancement of calcitonin in the rat intestine by carbopol-containing submicron emulsions 미리보기
Baluom, M Elsevier/North Holland 1980
2898 저널기사 Absorption enhancement of captopril in the rat colon as a putative method for captopril delivery by extended release formulations 미리보기
Sintov, A Elsevier/North Holland 1980
2899 저널기사 Absorption enhancement of dextran sulfate after enteral administration in a dispersion 미리보기
Maderich, A. B Elsevier/North Holland 1980
2900 저널기사 Absorption enhancement of orally administered salmon calcitonin by polystyrene nanoparticles having poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) branches on theirsurfaces 미리보기
Sakuma, S Elsevier/North Holland 1980
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