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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
2921 저널기사 Absorption of a single quantum well 미리보기
Shrinivasan, J American Institute of Physics 1980
2922 저널기사 Absorption of boron by plant roots 미리보기
Hu, H M. Nijhoff 1980
2923 저널기사 Absorption of Cam-2445, an NK~1 Neurokinin Receptor Antagonist: In Vivo,In Situ, and In Vitro Evaluations 미리보기
Chan, O. H American Pharmaceutical Association 1980
2924 저널기사 Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous blends of 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol and diethanolamine/ 미리보기
Mandal, B. P Pergamon Press 2003
2925 저널기사 Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous piperazine: reaction kinetics, mass transfer and solubility/ 미리보기
Bishnoi, Sanjay Pergamon Press 2000
2926 저널기사 Absorption of carbon dioxide into aqueous solutions using hollow fiber membrane contactors 미리보기
Rangwala, H. A Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
2927 저널기사 Absorption of carbonyl sulfide in aqueous diethanolamine/ 미리보기
Hinderaker, Gudmund Pergamon Press 2000
2928 저널기사 Absorption of ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin when administered as niosome-encapsulated inclusion complexes 미리보기
D'Souza, S. A Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
2929 저널기사 Absorption of CO~2 by water and surfactant solutions in the presence of induced Marangoni effect 미리보기
Vazquez, G Pergamon Press 1980
2930 저널기사 Absorption of colostrol immunoglobulins in neonatal crossbred calves andits impact on their health and disease status 미리보기
Chaturvedi, G. C Indian Dairy Science Association 1980
2931 저널기사 Absorption of CO with reaction in a biphasic medium (aqueous NaOH-n-hexane): rate enhancement due to dispersed organic phase and phase-transfer catalysis 미리보기
Chaudhari, R. V Pergamon Press 1980
2932 저널기사 Absorption of Dietary Dieldrin by Striped Bass 미리보기
Santerre, C. R Springer-Verlag 1980
2933 저널기사 Absorption of Electromagnetic Field by Electrons on Oriented Curved Surfaces / 미리보기
Chaplik, A.V 1997
2934 저널기사 Absorption of electromagnetic waves in a magnetized medium (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Ganguly, Avijit K 2001
2935 저널기사 Absorption of extreme ultraviolet light in a laser produced gas-jet plasma source/ 미리보기
Kanouff, Michael American Institute of Physics 2001
2936 저널기사 Absorption of glucagon-like peptide-1 can be protracted by zinc or protamine 미리보기
Pridal, L Elsevier/North Holland 1980
2937 저널기사 Absorption of glucose from urinary conduits in diabetics and non-diabetics 미리보기
SRIDHAR, K.N British Medical Association 1983
2938 저널기사 Absorption of Hydrogen in Liquid Reagents / 미리보기
Bonney, Donald T American Chemical Society 1937
2939 저널기사 Absorption of Hydroxycinnamates in Humans after High-Bran Cereal Consumption/ 미리보기
Kern, S. M American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 2003
2940 저널기사 Absorption of in-plane polarized light in quasi-2D systems enabled by strong potential fluctuations/ 미리보기
Steen, C North-Holland 2000
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