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2941 저널기사 Absorption of Intraperitoneal CO2 After Laparoscopy in Piglets: An Experimental Study/ 미리보기
Schier, F Grune and Stratton 2001
2942 저널기사 Absorption of isophane(NPH) insulin and its clinical implications 미리보기
LAURITZEN, TORSTEN British Medical Association 1982
2943 저널기사 Absorption of Metallic Sodium in Carbon Cathode Materials 미리보기
Mikhalev, Y Pergamon Press 1996
2944 저널기사 Absorption of Methionine and 2-Hydroxy-4-Methylthiobutoanic Acid in Conventional and Germ-Free Chickens/ 미리보기
Drew, M. D Poultry Science Association, etc.] 2003
2945 저널기사 Absorption of microwaves in La1-xSrxMnO3 manganese powders over a wide bandwidth 미리보기
Li, G American Institute of Physics 2001
2946 저널기사 Absorption of Nd:YAG laser beam by metallic alloys/ 미리보기
Lima, M S F Silva, E M R Monteiro, W A; Rossi, W; Chapman and Hall 2000
2947 저널기사 Absorption of oxybutynin from vaginal inserts: drug blood levels and the response of the rabbit bladder/ 미리보기
Schr�der, Annette Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2001
2948 저널기사 Absorption of Pesticides on Plastic Films Used as Agricultural Soil Covers 미리보기
Nerin, C American Chemical Society, Books and Journals Division] 1996
2949 저널기사 Absorption of phenol red and bromphenol blue as model drugs from the peritoneal cavity around the liver surface in rats 미리보기
Nishida, K Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
2950 저널기사 Absorption of p-Modes by Slender Magnetic Flux Tubes and p-Mode Lifetimes 미리보기
Bogdan, T. J Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
2951 저널기사 Absorption of poloxamer on polystyrene spheres in relation to electrostatic properties 미리보기
Cassidy, O. E Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain 1980
2952 저널기사 Absorption of Polyethylene Glycol Oligomers (330-1122 Da) Is Greater in the Jejunum than in the Ileum of Rats 미리보기
Kim, M Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology 1980
2953 저널기사 Absorption of short wavelengths of endoillumination in indocyanine green solution: implications for internal limiting membrane removal/ 미리보기
Kadonosono, K Springer-Verlag 2003
2954 저널기사 Absorption of Solar Energy in the Atmosphere: Discrepancy Between Model and Observations 미리보기
Arking, A American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
2955 저널기사 Absorption of solar radiation by clouds: Interpretations of satellite, surface, and aircraft measurements 미리보기
Cess, R. D William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
2956 저널기사 Absorption of sound by noise in one dimension 미리보기
Larraza, A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
2957 저널기사 Absorption of sulfur dioxide into aqueous reactive slurries of calcium and magnesium hydroxide in a stirred cell/ 미리보기
Dagaonkar, Manoj V Pergamon Press 2001
2958 저널기사 Absorption of surface acoustic waves by a two-dimensional electron gas in the presence of spin-orbit interaction/ 미리보기
Xu, W American Institute of Physics 2003
2959 저널기사 Absorption of terahertz radiation by plasmon modes in a grid-gated double-quantum-well field-effect transistor/ 미리보기
Popov, V. V American Institute of Physics 2003
2960 저널기사 Absorption of Vapor into Liquid Film on Horizontal Tubes 미리보기
Remec, J American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers 1980
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