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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3041 저널기사 Abstention and aggregation in consumer demand: Zero tobacco expenditures 미리보기
Fry, Vanessa The Clarendon Press 1994
3042 저널기사 Abstention and signaling in large repeated elections 미리보기
Hummel, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2011
3043 저널기사 Abstention at the Border 미리보기
Gardner, Maggie Virginia Law Review Association 2019
3044 저널기사 Abstention in dynamical models of spatial voting/ 미리보기
Stadler, B M R North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
3045 저널기사 Abstention in the Time of Ferguson 미리보기
Smith, Fred O. Harvard Law Review Pub. Association 2018
3046 저널기사 Abstention : l'impact des conditions de travail 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2016
3047 저널기사 Abstention : l'impact des conditions de travail 미리보기
unknown Alternatives economiques 2016
3048 저널기사 Abstentions and Social Networks in Congress 미리보기
University of Texas Press in association with the Southern Political Science Association, [etc.] 2023
3049 저널기사 Abstention, Separation of Powers, and Recasting the Meaning of Judicial Restraint 미리보기
Marshall, W.P. Northwestern University School of Law 2013
3050 저널기사 Abstiegserfahrungen in der Kommune und der Aufstieg Unabhängiger Wählergemeinschaften. Neue Befunde aus einem Mehrebenen-Kommunalwahlpanel 미리보기
Christina-Marie Juen ; Markus Tepe ; Michael Jankowski NOMOS VERLAGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH UND CO.,KG. 2021
3051 저널기사 Abstimmung über einen Insolvenzplan: Erfordernis der vorherigen Klärung der Stimmrechte 미리보기
Handelsblatt. 2021
3052 저널기사 Abstinence/ 미리보기
Bonafoux, P Magazine litte〉raire] 2003
3053 저널기사 Abstinence from child labor and profit seeking 미리보기
Davies, R. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
3054 저널기사 Abstinence From Smoking Reduces Incisional Wound Infection: A Randomized Controlled Trial/ 미리보기
Sorensen, L. T J. B. Lippincott [etc.] 2003
3055 저널기사 Abstinence From Smoking Reduces Incisional Wound Infection: A Randomized, Controlled Trial/ 미리보기
Yang, G. P J. B. Lippincott [etc.] 2003
3056 저널기사 Abstinent phagocytes after a burst of activity/ 미리보기
Kickler, T. S W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
3057 저널기사 Abstoßend, gefährlich, sozialschädlich? Zur Unbestimmtheit der Sittenwidrigkeitsklausel des § 228 StGB 미리보기
Christine Morgenstern J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) 2017
3058 저널기사 Abstract/ 미리보기
American Heart Association 2000
3059 저널기사 Abstract 미리보기
Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2015
3060 저널기사 Abstract 미리보기
Cambridge University Press
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