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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3241 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
Kahn, K. B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2006
3242 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
Kahn, K. B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
3243 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
Di Benedetto, C. A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
3244 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
Di Benedetto, C. A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
3245 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
Kahn, K. B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
3246 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
Di Benedetto, C. A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
3247 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
unknown Henry Stewart Publications 2012
3248 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
unknown Henry Stewart Publications 2012
3249 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
unknown Henry Stewart Publications 2012
3250 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
unknown Henry Stewart Publications 2012
3251 저널기사 Abstracts 미리보기
unknown American Finance Association 1994
3252 저널기사 Abstracts - 171st Conference of the Gesellschaft f�r Biochemie und Molekularbiologie Combined Annual Meeting of Study Group 13, Molecular Medicine, and Study Group 9, Biochemical Pharmacology/Toxicology - Erlangen, October 8-9, 1999/ 미리보기
W. de Gruyter 2000
3253 저널기사 Abstracts - 173rd Conference of the Gesellschaft f�r Biochemie und Molekularbiologie 8th Photosynthesis Workshop 'Nordwest' - Cologne, October 8, 1999/ 미리보기
W. de Gruyter 2000
3254 저널기사 Abstracts - 179th Conference of the Gesellschaft f�r Biochemie und Molekularbiologie Annual Meeting of Study Group 3, Neurochemistry Main Topic: Molecular and Systemic Neuroscience - Witten/Bommerholz, September 1-3, 2000/ 미리보기
W. de Gruyter 2000
3255 저널기사 Abstracts - 51st 'Mosbacher Kolloquium' GTP Binding Proteins: Central Regulators in Cell Biology - Mosbach, April 2-5, 2000/ 미리보기
W. de Gruyter 2000
3256 저널기사 ABSTRACTS - Abstracts of the 59th National Scientific Congress of the Australian Society of Anaesthetists, Perth, Western Australia, 30 September-4 October 2000/ 미리보기
Australian Society of Anaesthetists 2001
3257 저널기사 ABSTRACTS - Abstracts of the Australian and New Zealand College of // Anaesthetists, Annual Scientific Meeting, 6-10 May, 2000, Melbourne, Victoria/ 미리보기
Australian Society of Anaesthetists 2000
3258 저널기사 ABSTRACTS - Abstracts of the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society 25th Annual Scientific Meeting, October 19-22, 2000, Canberra, A.C.T./ 미리보기
Australian Society of Anaesthetists 2001
3259 저널기사 ABSTRACTS - Abstracts of the Combined Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists and the Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists, May 5-9, 2001, Hong Kong/ 미리보기
Australian Society of Anaesthetists 2001
3260 저널기사 ABSTRACTS - Advancing Pathology Informatics, Imaging, and the Internet (APIII 2000): Scientific and E-Poster Session Abstracts/ 미리보기
Becich, Michael J American Medical Association 2001
맨앞 이전 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 다음 맨뒤
