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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3301 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature /// 미리보기
Munksgaard 2000
3302 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature/ 미리보기
Swennen, G Munksgaard 2003
3303 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature/ 미리보기
Munksgaard 2003
3304 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature/ 미리보기
Munksgaard 2002
3305 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature/ 미리보기
Munksgaard 2003
3306 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature/ 미리보기
Munksgaard 2003
3307 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature/ 미리보기
Munksgaard 2003
3308 저널기사 Abstracts from International Literature /// 미리보기
Munksgaard 2000
3309 저널기사 Abstracts from International Literature /// 미리보기
Schliephake, Henning 2001
3310 저널기사 Abstracts from international literature /// 미리보기
Munksgaard 2003
3311 저널기사 Abstracts from key papers to be presented at the 1st Institute of Consumer Sciences incorporating Home Economics, International Research Conference 미리보기
3312 저널기사 Abstracts from key papers to be presented at the 1st Institute of Consumer Sciences incorporating Home Economics, International Research Conference[sup 1] 미리보기
Fairchild, Ruth BLACKWELL SCIENCE 2003
3313 저널기사 Abstracts from meeting 29th September 2000 City Hospital, // Birmingham, UK/ 미리보기
Headley Brothers 2001
3314 저널기사 Abstracts from papers to be presented at the 2nd International Institute of Consumer Sciences incorporating Home Economics, Research Conference: Consumption, Culture and Community. School of The Outdoors, Leisure and Food, Liverpool John Moores Universit 미리보기
unknown Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
3315 저널기사 Abstracts from Scientific Sessions 2000 /// 미리보기
American Heart Association, etc.] 2000
3316 저널기사 Abstracts From Scientific Sessions 2001 /// 미리보기
American Heart Association, etc.] 2001
3317 저널기사 Abstracts From Scientific Sessions 2003 Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida November 9-12, 2003/ 미리보기
American Heart Association, etc.] 2003
3318 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, April 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3319 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, February 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3320 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, January 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
맨앞 이전 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 다음 맨뒤
