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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
3321 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, July 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3322 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, June 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3323 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, March 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3324 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, May 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3325 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, November 2000/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2000
3326 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, November 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3327 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, October 2000/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2000
3328 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, October 2001/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2001
3329 저널기사 Abstracts from Sen'i Gakkaishi, Society of Fiber Science and // Technology of Japan, September 2000/ 미리보기
The Institute and the Foundation 2000
3330 저널기사 Abstracts From the 2nd World Congress of the World Federation // of Surgical Oncology Societies, Naples, Italy, September 19-22, 2001/ 미리보기
A. R. Liss, inc., etc 2001
3331 저널기사 Abstracts From the 4th World Stroke Congress /// 미리보기
American Heart Association] 2000
3332 저널기사 Abstracts From the 6th International Symposium on ASTT /// 미리보기
American Heart Association] 2000
3333 저널기사 Abstracts from the ENT Comparative Audit Meeting /// 미리보기
Headley Brothers 2000
3334 저널기사 Abstracts from the ISBER /// 미리보기
Williams & Wilkins 2001
3335 저널기사 Abstracts from the literature/ 미리보기
C. V. Mosby 2003
3336 저널기사 Abstracts from the literature/ 미리보기
C. V. Mosby 2003
3337 저널기사 Abstracts - Frontiers in anaesthesia: Allergy, immunology and anaesthetic action 미리보기
Munksgaard [etc.] 2001
3338 저널기사 Abstracts - Herbsttagung/Fall Meeting of the Gesellschaft f�r Biochemie und Molekularbiologie - M�nchen, October 10-13, 2000/ 미리보기
W. de Gruyter 2000
3339 저널기사 Abstracts Issue 미리보기
3340 저널기사 Abstracts Issue 미리보기
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