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4001 저널기사 Academic Leadership Scenario in India after Post Globalization 미리보기
Shalaka Parker;Neeta Baporikar New Delhi Publishers 2013
4002 저널기사 Academic librarian and English composition instructor collaboration: A selective annotated bibliography 1998-2007 미리보기
Mounce, M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
4003 저널기사 Academic libraries and information technology 미리보기
Massis, B. E. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
4004 저널기사 Academic Libraries and Outreach Services through Precollege Programs: A Proactive Collaboration 미리보기
Jesudason, M. PIERIAN PRESS 1993
4005 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging at the University of Massachusetts Amherst Library/ 미리보기
Banach, Patricia Haworth Press 2000
4006 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging at Yale University in 2000: Challenges and Strategies/ 미리보기
Swanekamp, Joan Haworth Press 2000
4007 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging in Three Academic Libraries: Operations, Trends, and Perspectives /// 미리보기
Lee-Smeltzer, Kuang-Hwei Haworth Press 2000
4008 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Cataloging Plus: Philosophy and Practice at a Small College Library/ 미리보기
Mah, Y Mei Haworth Press 2000
4009 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Exploding Out of the MARC Box: Building New Roles for Cataloging Departments /// 미리보기
Ahronheim, Judith Haworth Press 2000
4010 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Flexibility in the Management of Cataloging/ 미리보기
B�naud, Claire-Lise Haworth Press 2000
4011 저널기사 Academic libraries in Iowa cope with serials cutbacks 미리보기
4012 저널기사 Academic libraries in transition: some leadership issues - a viewpoint 미리보기
Moropa, R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
4013 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Management by Action: How We're Embracing New Cataloging Work at Tufts/ 미리보기
Condron, Lyn Haworth Press 2000
4014 저널기사 Academic libraries - measuring up: assessment and collaboration for student success 미리보기
Besara, R.; Kinsley, K. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
4015 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Pursuing the Three Ts: How Total Quality Management, Technology, and Teams Transformed the Cataloging Department at Penn State/ 미리보기
Bednar, Marie Haworth Press 2000
4016 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - Staff Assignments and Workflow Distribution at the End of the 20th Century: Where We Were, Where We Are, and What We'll Need To Be/ 미리보기
Ouderkirk, Jane Padham Haworth Press 2000
4017 저널기사 ACADEMIC LIBRARIES - The End of an Era Builds New Team Spirit: Team Playing at Its Best/ 미리보기
Stamm, Andrea L Haworth Press 2000
4018 저널기사 Academic Libraries: Their Rationale and Role in American Higher Education 미리보기
Sartori, E. M American Library Association 1980
4019 저널기사 Academic library liaison programs in US libraries: methods and benefits 미리보기
Thull, J.; Hansen, M. A. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
4020 저널기사 Academic library non/low use and undergraduate student achievement: A preliminary report of research in progress 미리보기
Goodall, D.; Pattern, D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
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