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4201 저널기사 Accelerated Learning of User Profiles DOI: 10.1287/mnsc.1100.1266 미리보기
Dahl, M.S. Institute of Management Sciences] 2011
4202 저널기사 Accelerated life-time test of MEA durability under vehicle operating conditions in PEM fuel cell 미리보기
Tian, T.; Tang, J.; Guo, W.; Pan, M. Higher Education Press : springer 2017
4203 저널기사 Accelerated Living Polymerization of Methacrylonitrile with Aluminum Porphyrin initiators by Activation of Monomer or Growing Species. ControlledSynthesis and Properties of Poly(methyl methacrylate-b-methacrylonitrile)s 미리보기
Sugimoto, H American Chemical Society 1996
4204 저널기사 Accelerated Method for Determining Wear Caused by Abrasion/ 미리보기
Snell, Foster Dee American Chemical Society 1936
4205 저널기사 Accelerated Mineralization of Pentachlorophenol in Soil upon Inoculationwith Mycobacterium chlorophenolicum PCP1 and Sphingomonas chlorophenolica RA2 미리보기
Miethling, R American Society for Microbiology. 1980
4206 저널기사 Accelerated MM Algorithms for Inference of Ranking Scores from Comparison Data 미리보기
Vojnović M, Se-Young Y, Kaifang Z Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2023
4207 저널기사 Accelerated molecular dynamics of rare events using the local boost method (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Wang, Jee-Ching 2001
4208 저널기사 Accelerated nerve regeneration in mice by upregulated expression of interleukin (IL) 6 and IL-6 receptor after trauma 미리보기
Hirota, H Rockefeller University Press 1980
4209 저널기사 Accelerated partial-breast irradiation (APBI): Let's give it a good test/ 미리보기
Rose, C. M Pergamon Press 2003
4210 저널기사 Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation: More Data Needed, Researchers Say/ 미리보기
Bankhead, C U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health 2003
4211 저널기사 Accelerated Particle Composition and Energetics and Ambient Abundances From Gamma-ray Spectroscopy of the 1991 June 4 Solar Flare 미리보기
Murphy, R. J Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
4212 저널기사 Accelerated Payment Notices and Follower Notices in the UK: An Affront to Justice? 미리보기
Henning Magnus Jacobsen Kluwer Law International
4213 저널기사 Accelerated phagocytosis of amyloid-beta by mouse and human microglia overexpressing the macrophage colony-stimulating factor receptor 미리보기
Mitrasinovic, O. M.; Murphy, G. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
4214 저널기사 Accelerated plaque accumulation, associative learning deficits, and up-regulation of alpha7 nicotinic receptor protein in transgenic mice co-expressing mutant human presenilin 1 and amyloid precursor proteins 미리보기
Dineley, K. T.; Xia, X.; Bui, D.; Sweatt, J. D.; Zheng, H. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
4215 저널기사 Accelerated postoperative radiation therapy with weekly concomitant boost in patients with advanced head and neck cancer/ 미리보기
Zouhair, A Pergamon Press 2003
4216 저널기사 Accelerated Product Development: Combining Lean and Six Sigma for Peak Performance by Clifford Fiore, Fast Innovation: Achieving Superior Differentiation, Speed to Market, and Increased Profitability by Michael L. George, James Works, and Kimberly Watson-Hemphill and Projects at Warp-Speed with Q RPD: The Definitive Guidebook to Quality Rapid Product Development, 9th ed by Orion "Ori" Kopelman and Cinda Voegtli: 미리보기
Klein, R. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2007
4217 저널기사 Accelerated Product Introductions and Emerging Managerial Accounting Perspectives: Implications for Marketing Managers in the Technology Sector 미리보기
4218 저널기사 Accelerated production of transgenic wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) plants 미리보기
Altpeter, F Springer International 1996
4219 저널기사 Accelerated Progression of Calcific Aortic Stenosis in Dialysis Patients/ 미리보기
Perkovic, V S. Karger 2003
4220 저널기사 Accelerated Progression of Calcific Aortic Stenosis in Dialysis Patients: What We Still Need to Learn/ 미리보기
Bakri, K S. Karger 2003
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