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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4221 저널기사 Accelerated publication procedure/ 미리보기
Society of Dyers and Colourists] 2000
4222 저널기사 Accelerated radical innovation: Theory and application 미리보기
Bers, J. A.; Dismukes, J. P.; Miller, L. K.; Dubrovensky, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
4223 저널기사 Accelerated radioisotopic method for the activtiy of microorganisms measurement in natural waters / 미리보기
V.V., Ilyinsky s.n.] 1994
4224 저널기사 Accelerated reduction of carbonyl compounds under microwave irradiation 미리보기
Barbry, D Pergamon Press 1980
4225 저널기사 Accelerated relative sea-level rise and rapid coastal erosion: testing acausal relationship for the Louisiana barrier islands 미리보기
Sallenger, A. H. List, J. H. Hansen, M. E. Jaffe, B. E. Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1997
4226 저널기사 Accelerated Retting of Jute for Economic Fibre Yield 미리보기
Deb Prasad Ray;Pradipta Banerjee;Rakesh Kumar Ghosh;Debasis Nag New Delhi Publishers 2015
4227 저널기사 Accelerated scalar dissipation in a vortex 미리보기
Flohr, P Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
4228 저널기사 Accelerated senescence of human erythrocytes cultured with Plasmodium falciparum 미리보기
Omodeo-Sale, F W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
4229 저널기사 Accelerated share repurchases 미리보기
Bargeron, L.; Kulchania, M.; Thomas, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
4230 저널기사 Accelerated Solvent Extraction: An Evaluation for Screening of Soils forSelected U.S. EPA Semivolatile Organic Priority Pollutants 미리보기
Fisher, J. A American Chemical Society 1980
4231 저널기사 Accelerated solvent extraction of lipids for determining the fatty acid composition of biological material 미리보기
Schaafer, K Elsevier Pub. Co 1998
4232 저널기사 Accelerated Stability Studies of Heparin 미리보기
Jandik, K. A American Pharmaceutical Association 1980
4233 저널기사 Accelerated Strengths Development Implementing a new model for attorney training 미리보기
Westfahl, S.; Fletcher, C. ABA, Law Practice Management Section 2013
4234 저널기사 Accelerated stress testing in a time-driven product development process 미리보기
4235 저널기사 Accelerated Subspace Iteration Using Adaptive Multiple Inverse Iteration 미리보기
Bertolini, A. F Pergamon Press 1998
4236 저널기사 Accelerated superfractionated radiotherapy with concomitant boost for invasive bladder cancer/ 미리보기
Yavuz, A. A Pergamon Press 2003
4237 저널기사 Accelerated Test for Measuring Sulfate Resistance of Calcium Sulfoaluminate, Calcium Aluminate, and Portland Cements/ 미리보기
Kurtis, K E American Society of Civil Engineers, Materials Engineering Division 2001
4238 저널기사 Accelerated tests for assessing the potential exhibited by concrete aggregates for alkali-aggregate reaction 미리보기
Wigum, B. J Elsevier Science Publishers 1980
4239 저널기사 Accelerated Tests of Paint Finishes on Aluminum/ 미리보기
Edwrds, Junius D American Chemical Society 1935
4240 저널기사 Accelerated Thermal Cycling and Failure Mechanisms for BGA and CSP Assemblies/ 미리보기
Ghaffarian, Reza American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2000
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