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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4321 저널기사 Acceleration of leaf senescence in Fagus sylvatica L. by low levels of tropospheric ozone demonstrated by leaf colour, chlorophyll fluorescence and chloroplast ultrastructure 미리보기
Mikkelsen, T. N Springer International 1996
4322 저널기사 Acceleration of neutral silicon cluster isomers in a helium gas expansion 미리보기
Rosemeyer, Michael 2001
4323 저널기사 Acceleration of Organic Contaminant Adsorption onto Silicon Surfaces in the Presence of Residual Fluorine 미리보기
Saga, K Electrochemical Society 1980
4324 저널기사 Acceleration of Particles/ 미리보기
Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 2000
4325 저널기사 Acceleration of plasminogen activation by tissue plasminogen activator on surface-bound histidine-proline-rich glycoprotein 미리보기
Borza, D.-B American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
4326 저널기사 Acceleration of p-Nitrophenyl Ester Cleavage by Zn(II)-Organized Molecular Receptors 미리보기
Tecilla, P American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
4327 저널기사 Acceleration of Polyacrylamide Photopolymerization Using Lyotropic Liquid Crystals/ 미리보기
Lester, C L American Chemical Society 2001
4328 저널기사 Acceleration of post-mortem changes in Tsaiya duck (Anas platyrhynchos) breast muscle by lactic acid marination 미리보기
Chou, R.-G. R Longman 1980
4329 저널기사 Acceleration of relativistic plasma in the magnetosphere of an axisymmetric rotator 미리보기
Bogovalov, S. V Springer-Verlag 1980
4330 저널기사 Acceleration of Scolex Morphogenesis in the Phylogenesis of Tapeworms (Plathelminthes, Cestoda, Eucestoda)/ 미리보기
Gulyaev, V D American Institute of Biological Sciences 2000
4331 저널기사 Acceleration of Solar Wind Ions by Nearby Interplanetary Shocks: Comparison of Monte Carlo Simulations With Ulysses Observations 미리보기
Baring, M. G Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
4332 저널기사 Acceleration of the conjugate addition of diethyl zinc to enones by either Cu(OTf)~2 or trivalent phosphorus ligands 미리보기
Alexakis, A Pergamon Press 1980
4333 저널기사 Acceleration of the drying rates of paprika fruit with drying oil and cutting/ 미리보기
Krajayklang, Mayuree Published for the Insstitute of Food Science and Technology (U.K.) by Blackwell Scientific Publicati 2001
4334 저널기사 Acceleration of the fetal head: effect of distance from vibration source 미리보기
Abrams, R. M Academic Press 1980
4335 저널기사 Acceleration of the Hurricane Beta Drift by Shear Strain Rate of an Environmental Flow 미리보기
Li, X American Meteorological Society 1980
4336 저널기사 Acceleration of the Nonlinear Corner-Balance Scheme by the Averaged FluxMethod 미리보기
Anistratov, D. Y Academic Press 1980
4337 저널기사 Acceleration of the Onset of Collagen-Induced Arthritis by a Deficiency of Platelet Endothelial Cell Adhesion Molecule 1/ 미리보기
Tada, Y J.B. Lippincott Co 1900
4338 저널기사 Acceleration of the Zn^2^+-promoted phosphodiester hydrolysis of oligonucleotides by the 3'-terminal monophosphate group: intrastrand participation over several nucleoside units 미리보기
Kuusela, S Royal Society of Chemistry 1980
4339 저널기사 Acceleration of ventricular rate by amiodarone in atrial fibrillation associated with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome / 미리보기
SHEINMAN, BRYAN D British Medical Association 1982
4340 저널기사 Acceleration of VO~2 kinetics in heavy submaximal exercise by hyperoxia and prior high-intensity exercise 미리보기
MacDonald, M American Physiological Society 1980
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