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4381 저널기사 Acceptance and use of e-commerce technology among female entrepreneurs of micro and small businesses in India: analysis of determinants 미리보기
Sraboni Dutta; Shradha Shivani Inderscience 2023
4382 저널기사 Acceptance by patients of multidetector CT colonography compared with barium enema examinations, flexible sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy/ 미리보기
Taylor, S. A American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2003
4383 저널기사 Acceptance by Silence and Insurance Contracts 미리보기
Barron, A. Sweet & Maxwell 2009
4384 저널기사 Acceptance jpnf njpnvel prjpnducts: the rjpnle jpnf religijpnsity, ethnicity and values 미리보기
Shaheen Mansjpnri;Murali Sambasivan;Samsinar Md-Sidin Emerald Group Publishing Limited
4385 저널기사 Acceptance limits for the duration of pre-Helmholtz transients in bowed string attacks 미리보기
Guettler, K American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
4386 저널기사 Acceptance of Alternative Therapies Slowly Growing in United Kingdom/ 미리보기
Marwick, C U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health 2002
4387 저널기사 Acceptance of a Price Discount: The Role of the Semantic Relatedness between Purchases and the Comparative Price Format 미리보기
Bonini, N.; Rumiati, R. WILEY 2002
4388 저널기사 Acceptance of Brand Extensions: Interactive Influences of Product Category Similarity, Typicality of Claimed Benefits, and Brand Relationship Quality. 미리보기
Park, Jong-Won Association for Consumer Research 2002
4389 저널기사 Acceptance of Corporate Blogs for Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing 미리보기
Iglesias-Pradas, Santiago; Hernández-García, Ángel; Fernández-Cardador, Pedro Auerbach 2017
4390 저널기사 Acceptance of detergent-retail brands: the role of consumer confidence and trust 미리보기
Lymperopoulos, C.; Chaniotakis, I. E.; Rigopoulou, I. D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
4391 저널기사 Acceptance of electronic tax filing: A study of taxpayer intentions 미리보기
Fu, J. R.; Farn, C. K.; Chao, W. P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
4392 저널기사 Acceptance of Functional Foods: A Comparison of French, American, and French Canadian Consumers: 미리보기
Labrecque, J.; Doyon, M.; Bellavance, F.; Kolodinsky, J. Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society 2006
4393 저널기사 Acceptance of Innovations: The Customer is the Key! 미리보기
Dunphy, S. JAI PRESS INC. 1995
4394 저널기사 Acceptance of Internet-based learning medium: the role of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation 미리보기
Lee, M. K.; Cheung, C. M.; Chen, Z. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
4395 저널기사 Acceptance of Knowledge Map Systems: An Empirical Examination of System Characteristics and Knowledge Map Systems Self-efficacy 미리보기
Mei-Hsiang, Wang; Chen-Fen, Huang; Tarng-Yao, Yang College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2012
4396 저널기사 Acceptance of novel products: the role of religiosity, ethnicity and values 미리보기
Shaheen Mansori;Murali Sambasivan;Samsinar Md-Sidin Emerald Group Publishing Limited
4397 저널기사 Acceptance of online customization for apparel shopping 미리보기
Cho, H.; Fiorito, S. S. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
4398 저널기사 Acceptance of recommendations to buy in online retailing 미리보기
Baier, D.; Stüber, E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
4399 저널기사 Acceptance of skin grafts by isogenic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) 미리보기
Ristow, S. S American Veterinary Medical Association 1996
4400 저널기사 Acceptance of Subscriber Authentication Methods For Mobile Telephony Devices 미리보기
Clarke, N. L.; Furnell, S. M.; Rodwell, P. M.; Reynolds, P. L. ELSEVIER SCIENCE 2002
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