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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4401 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 Alfred E. Treibs award/ 미리보기
Hedges, John I Pergamon Press 2001
4402 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 C. C. Patterson award/ 미리보기
Boyle, Edward A Pergamon Press 2001
4403 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 F. W. Clarke Award/ 미리보기
Farquhar, James Pergamon Press 2001
4404 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2000 V. M. Goldschmidt Award/ 미리보기
Eglinton, Geoffrey Pergamon Press 2001
4405 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 Alfred E. Treibs Award/ 미리보기
Douglas, A Pergamon Press 2003
4406 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 C. C. Patterson Award/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2003
4407 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 Distinguished Service Award/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2003
4408 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 F. W. Clarke Award/ 미리보기
Blake, R. E Pergamon Press 2003
4409 저널기사 Acceptance of the 2002 V. M. Goldschmidt Award/ 미리보기
Pergamon Press 2003
4410 저널기사 Acceptance of the Dana Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2002 미리보기
Hochella, M. F Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4411 저널기사 Acceptance of the Distinguished Public Service Medal for 2002 미리보기
Hill, D. P Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4412 저널기사 Acceptance of the Distinguished Public Service Medal of 2000 미리보기
Fiske, Richard S 2001
4413 저널기사 Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 2000 미리보기
Williams, Quentin C 2001
4414 저널기사 Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 2002 미리보기
Eiler, J Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4415 저널기사 Acceptance of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2000/ 미리보기
Reynolds, Robert C Mineralogical Society of America 2001
4416 저널기사 Acceptance of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2002/ 미리보기
Schreyer, W Mineralogical Society of America 2003
4417 저널기사 Acceptance of Uncommon Information into Group Discussion When That Information Is or Is Not Demonstrable 미리보기
4418 저널기사 Acceptance of Uncommon Information into Group Discussion When That Information Is or Is Not Demonstrable 미리보기
Parks, C. D Academic Press 1980
4419 저널기사 Acceptance of viewdata for poisons information 미리보기
PROUDFOOT,A T British Medical Association 1984
4420 저널기사 Acceptance Remarks 미리보기
Gabrielle Kirk McDonald The Society 2021
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