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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
4441 저널기사 ACCEPTED PRODUCTS 미리보기
American Medical Association 1954
4442 저널기사 Accepted Risk and Alcohol Use during Pregnancy 미리보기
4443 저널기사 Accepting Austerity The Right Way to Cut Defense 미리보기
Williams, C. Council on Foreign Relations] 2013
4444 저널기사 Accepting Conflict and Experiencing Creativity: Teaching "Concertation" Using La Francilienne CD-ROM 미리보기
de Carlo, L. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2005
4445 저널기사 Accepting Critically III Transfer Patients: Adverse Effect on a Referral Center's Outcome and Benchmark Measures/ 미리보기
Rosenberg, A. L American College of Physicians] 2003
4446 저널기사 Accepting Diversity and Commitment of Success 미리보기
Tsubaki, Hiroe Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2015
4447 저널기사 Accepting Inequality Deters Responsibility: How Power Distance Decreases Charitable Behavior 미리보기
Winterich, K.P.; Zhang, Y. Journal of Consumer Research, Inc., etc.] 2014
4448 저널기사 Accepting infernal alternatives: Sustaining venture capital on venture labour Venture Labor: Work and the Burden of Risk in Innovative Industries by Gina Neff 미리보기
Espinosa, J. Beech Tree Pub. [etc.]. 2013
4449 저널기사 Accepting or Rejecting Medical Treatment: A Comparison of Decisions Made for Self Versus Those Made for a Significant Other/ 미리보기
Raymark, Patrick H V.H. Winston [etc.] 2000
4450 저널기사 Accepting Payments in the Field Creates Opportunities, Challenges 미리보기
Berdan, Thomas The Association 2017
4451 저널기사 Accepting Risk: Net lease investors begin looking at class-B retail assets 미리보기
E. Misonzhnik Intertec Pub., etc.] 2012
4452 저널기사 Accepting the Challenge : 미리보기
Vollbrecht Educational Press Association of America 1989
4453 저널기사 Accepting the challenge of leadership: a hero's journey 미리보기
Steinhouse, R. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
4454 저널기사 Accepting the truth about equal employment opportunity: Introducing the EEO philosophy index 미리보기
Silverman, Buddy Pompie Ro Indiana University Graduate School of Business [etc.] 1991
4455 저널기사 Acceptor and donor centers introduced by oxygen ionosorption at the a-Si:H film surface 미리보기
Aoucher, M American Institute of Physics 1980
4456 저널기사 Acceptor assessment and the role of carbon in semi-insulating GaAs 미리보기
Moore, W. J American Institute of Physics 1980
4457 저널기사 Acceptor bound hole states in solid xenon 미리보기
Von Gruenberg, H. H American Institute of Physics 1980
4458 저널기사 Acceptor compensation in (Sb, Y)-doped semiconducting Ba~1~-~xSr~xTiO~3 미리보기
Qi, J. Tang, Z. Chen, W. Zhang, Z. Chapman and Hall 1997
4459 저널기사 Acceptor level determination by carrier freezeout in reverse-biased Hg~0~.~8Cd~0~.~2Te photodiodes 미리보기
Ren, J American Institute of Physics 1980
4460 저널기사 Accept or Reject?: How Task Valence Interacts With Product Information Processing To Alter Purchase Decisions 미리보기
Karmarkar, U.; Knutson, B.; Shiv, B. Association for Consumer Research 2009
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