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4501 저널기사 Access Compromised? The Impact of Healthcare Reforms under Austerity in Lithuania and Spain 미리보기
Sigita Doblytė ; Ana M. Guillén Cambridge University Press 2020
4502 저널기사 Access control for online social networks third party applications 미리보기
Shehab, M.; Squicciarini, A.; Ahn, G. J.; Kokkinou, I. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
4503 저널기사 Access control for smarter healthcare using policy spaces 미리보기
Ardagna, C. A.; di Vimercati, S. C.; Foresti, S.; Grandison, T. W.; Jajodia, S.; Samarati, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
4504 저널기사 Access control in a hierarchy using one-way hash functions 미리보기
Yang, C.; Li, C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
4505 저널기사 Access Control in Document-centric Workflow Systems - An Agent-based Approach 미리보기
Botha, R. A. ELSEVIER 2001
4506 저널기사 Access control with binary keys 미리보기
Chang, C.-C. ELSEVIER 1994
4507 저널기사 Access costs and entry in the local telecommunications network: a case for de-averaged rates 미리보기
Maher, M.E. ELSEVIER 1999
4508 저널기사 Access CREATE A SHAREABLE CALENDAR. 미리보기
LONG, CRYSTAL.  Institute of Management Accountants 2017
4509 저널기사 Access CREATING A COMBO BOX. 미리보기
LONG, CRYSTAL.  Institute of Management Accountants 2017
LONG, CRYSTAL.  Institute of Management Accountants 2016
4511 저널기사 Access DATABASE TABLES. 미리보기
LONG, CRYSTAL.  Institute of Management Accountants 2017
4512 저널기사 Access DATA TYPES. 미리보기
LONG, CRYSTAL.  Institute of Management Accountants 2017
4513 저널기사 Access: DATE (+TIME) FORMAT. 미리보기
LONG, CRYSTAL. Institute of Management Accountants 2018
4514 저널기사 Access DATES AND TIMES. 미리보기
LONG, CRYSTAL. Institute of Management Accountants 2018
4515 저널기사 Access denied 미리보기
Rennison, J. Incisive Media enkPublication 2012
4516 저널기사 ACCESS DENIED 미리보기
P. Caskanette Institute of Internal Auditors 2014
4517 저널기사 Access Denied: How Equity Crowdfunding Platforms Use Quality Signals to Select New Ventures 미리보기
Baylor University, Hankamer School of Business, John F. Baugh Center for Entrepreneurship 2022
4518 저널기사 Access Denied: Low Mentoring of Women and Minority First-Time Directors and Its Negative Effects on Appointments to Additional Boards 미리보기
McDonald, M.L.; Westphal, J.D. Academy of Management 2013
4519 저널기사 Access Denied: Tracking as a Modern Roadblock to Equal Educational Opportunity 미리보기
Miller, Viona J. New York University School of Law 2018
4520 저널기사 Access DUPLICATES IN YOUR DATA. 미리보기
COX, PATRICIA.  Institute of Management Accountants 2015
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