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4741 저널기사 Access to justice in environmental matters in Turkey: A case study from the ancient city of Allianoi 미리보기
Elvan, Osman Devrim; Turker, Y. Ozhan Elsevier 2015
4742 저널기사 Access to Justice in Environmental Matters: The Current Situation in the Light of the Recent Developments at the International and Regional Level and the Implications at the National Level with Emphas  미리보기
Vasiliki (Vicky) Karageorgou Kluwer Law International : Sold and distributed in North, Central and South America by Aspen Publishers, Inc. 2018
4743 저널기사 Access to Justice in Higher Education: The Student as Consumer in China 미리보기
Ling Zhou Contemporary China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, etc.] 2020
4744 저널기사 Access to justice in the European Convention on Human Rights system 미리보기
Gerards, Janneke H.; Glas, Lize R. Intersentia 2017
4745 저널기사 Access to Justice: New Approaches to Ensure Meaningful Participation 미리보기
Rogers, T. New York University School of Law 2015
4746 저널기사 Access to Justice on Enviromental Matters - A Case of Double Standards? Greenpeace and Others v Commission of the European Communities 미리보기
Gerard, N. OXFORD UNIV PR 1996
4747 저널기사 Access to Justice, Rationality, and Personal Jurisdiction 미리보기
Steinman, Adam N. Vanderbilt University School of Law 2018
4748 저널기사 Access to Justice: Reducing the Implicit Pushback Burden on Working-Class Pro Se Plaintiffs in Employment Law Cases 미리보기
Novakovic, Nedim School of Jurisprudence of the University of California 2016
4749 저널기사 Access to Justice: What to do About the Law of Wills 미리보기
Goodwin, Iris J. University of Wisconsin Law School 2016
4750 저널기사 Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright 미리보기
Thompson, Marshall Indiana University Press [etc.]. 2014
4751 저널기사 Access to Knowledge in Africa: The Role of Copyright, Chris Armstrong, Jeremy de Beer, Khaled Fourati, and Sisule Musungu, eds 미리보기
Thompson, Marshall Indiana University Press [etc.] 2014
4752 저널기사 Access to land, rural poverty and public action 미리보기
Alston, L. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
4753 저널기사 Access to Legal Advice for Young Suspects and Remand Prisoners 미리보기
Brookman, F.; Pierpoint, H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
4754 저널기사 Access to library Internet services for patrons with 미리보기
Deines-Jones, Courtney Pierian Press 1996
4755 저널기사 Access to Markets and Rural Poverty: Evidence from Household Consumption in China 미리보기
Emran, M.S.; Hou, Z. Dept. of Economics, Harvard University 2013
4756 저널기사 Access to Markets and the Benefits of Rural Roads 미리보기
Jacoby, H. G. Macmillan 2000
4757 저널기사 Access to Markets and the Benefits of Rural Roads 미리보기
Jacoby, H. G. BLACKWELL 2000
4758 저널기사 Access to Maternity Care in Rural Washington: Its Effect on Neonatal Outcomes and Resource Use 미리보기
Nesbitt, T. S American Public Health Association 1980
4759 저널기사 Access to Medicines and TRIPS Compliance in India and Brazil 미리보기
Pusceddu, P. Sweet & Maxwell 2014
4760 저널기사 Access to medicines from a health system perspective 미리보기
Bigdeli, M.; Jacobs, B.; Tomson, G.; Laing, R.; Ghaffar, A.; Dujardin, B.; Van Damme, W. Oxford University Press in association with the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine 2013
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