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5741 저널기사 Accounting for Natural Disasters: The Impact of Earthquake Risk on California Municipal Bond Pricing 미리보기
FOWLES, J.; LIU, G.; MAMARIL, C. B. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009
5742 저널기사 Accounting for needs? Formula funding in the UK schools sector 미리보기
Agyemang, G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
5743 저널기사 Accounting for Negative, Zero and Positive Willingness to Pay for Landscape Change in a National Park 미리보기
Hanley, N.; Colombo, S.; Kristrom, B.; Watson, F. BLACKWELL PUBLISHING LTD 2009
5744 저널기사 Accounting for New Financial Instruments 미리보기
Miltz, D. BLACKWELL 1993
5745 저널기사 Accounting for Nonconvergence in Global Wool Marketing before 1939 미리보기
David Tolmie Merrett ; Simon Ville Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration : Cambridge University Press 2015
5746 저널기사 Accounting for Nonconvergence in Global Wool Marketing before 1939 미리보기
David Tolmie Merrett ; Simon Ville Cambridge University Press
5747 저널기사 Accounting for Nonmarket Household Production Within a National Accounts Framework 미리보기
5748 저널기사 Accounting for nonnormality in liquidity risk 미리보기
Ernst, C.; Stange, S.; Kaserer, C. Incisive Media 2012
5749 저널기사 Accounting for Non-Specialists 미리보기
Gordon, P. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2004
5750 저널기사 Accounting for OPEB costs and regulatory assets. 미리보기
Volkert, Linda A Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
5751 저널기사 Accounting for Operating Leases. 미리보기
Fuller Stephen H. ; Ghai Pranav ; Markelevich Ariel New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2021
5752 저널기사 Accounting for optimism and pessimism in expected utility 미리보기
Webb, C. S.; Zank, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
5753 저널기사 Accounting for Option-based Compensation: The Economic Cost Approach 미리보기
Harter, C. I.; Harikumar, T. BLACKWELL PUBLISHERS 2002
5754 저널기사 Accounting for organizational performance: the construction of the customer in the privatized water industry 미리보기
Ogden, S. G. PERGAMON 1997
5755 저널기사 Accounting for Organization: Round-up the usual suspects 미리보기
Jones, O.; Sharifi, S.; Conway, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2006
5756 저널기사 Accounting for ourselves: Are academics exploited workers? 미리보기
Harding, N.; Ford, J.; Gough, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2010
5757 저널기사 Accounting for Our World 미리보기
Fergenson, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2003
5758 저널기사 Accounting for Out-of-Bandwidth Modes in the Assumed Modes Approach: Implications on Colocated Output Feedback Control 미리보기
Clark, R. L American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1993
5759 저널기사 Accounting for overlap? An application of Mezzich's k statistic to test interrater reliability of interview data on parental accident and emergency attendance/ 미리보기
Eccleston, Philippa Blackwell Scientific Publ 2001
5760 저널기사 Accounting for owner-occupied dwelling services: Aggregates and distributions 미리보기
Garner, T. I.; Short, K. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2009
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