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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
601 저널기사 ABC of Sexually Transmitted Disease : Vaginal dischange : diagnosis 미리보기
ADLER, MICHAEL.W British Medical Association 1983
602 저널기사 ABC of Sexully Transmitted Diseases : Urethral discharge : management 미리보기
ADLER, MICHAEL.W British Medical Association 1983
603 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and pain/ 미리보기
Spiller, R C The Association 2001
604 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Cancer of the stomach and pancreas/ 미리보기
Bowles, Matthew J The Association 2001
605 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Dysphagia/ 미리보기
Owen, William The Association 2001
606 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Epidemiology and diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection/ 미리보기
Logan, Robert P H The Association 2001
607 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Indigestion and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs/ 미리보기
Seager, J M The Association 2001
608 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Indigestion: When is it functional?/ 미리보기
Talley, Nicholas J The Association 2001
609 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Management of Helicobctcter pylori infection/ 미리보기
Harris, Adam The Association 2001
610 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Oesophagus: Atypical chest pain and motility disorders/ 미리보기
Bennett, John The Association 2001
611 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Oesophagus: Heartburn/ 미리보기
Caestecker, John de The Association 2001
612 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Pathophysiology of duodenal and gastric ulcer and gastric cancer/ 미리보기
Calam, John The Association 2001
613 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Upper abdominal pain: Gall bladder/ 미리보기
Johnson, C D The Association 2001
614 저널기사 ABC of the upper gastrointestinal tract: Upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage/ 미리보기
Dallal, Helen J The Association 2001
615 저널기사 Ab components' impact on brand preference 미리보기
Grimm, P. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
616 저널기사 ABC or Brian stem Death :The arguments avout the EGG 미리보기
PALLIS, CHRISTOPHER British Medical Association 1983
617 저널기사 ABC or healthy Travel:Travellers requiring special advice 미리보기
WALKER, ERIC British Medical Association 1983
618 저널기사 ABCP 101 미리보기
Himmel, M.S. Institutional Investor, Inc 2014
619 저널기사 ABC pf Diabetes: Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion 미리보기
PICKUP, J.C British Medical Association 1982
620 저널기사 abc/qd, qd/abc Model of a Double-Cage Induction Machine and Determination of Parameters Using the Genetic Algorithm/ 미리보기
Surgevil, T Taylor and Francis 1900
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