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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
6221 저널기사 Accounting's Tower of Babel: Key Considerations in Assessing Non-GAAP Earnings 미리보기
Ciesielski, Jack T.; Henry, Elaine C F A Institute 2017
6222 저널기사 Accounting's Tower of Babel: Key Considerations in Assessing Non-GAAP Earnings 미리보기
Ciesielski, Jack T.; Henry, Elaine C F A Institute 2017
6223 저널기사 Accounting Structured in APL (Book Review). 미리보기
Lipka, Roland. . Sep84, Vol. 158 Issue 3, p161-162. 2p. Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
6224 저널기사 Accounting students and constructed gender: an exploration of gender in the context of accounting degree choices at two Scottish universities 미리보기
Bebbington, J. ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC. 1997
6225 저널기사 Accounting Students' Performance and Cognitive Complexity : Some Empirical Evidence 미리보기
6226 저널기사 Accounting Students' Planning, Writing, and Performance on a Time-Constrained Case Analysis: Effects of Self-Talk and Prior Achievement. 미리보기
Phillips, Fred; Schmidt, Regan N. Canadian Academic Accounting Association : Wiley-Blackwell 2016
6227 저널기사 ACCOUNTING STUDENT TRANSFORMATIONS: Baylor University takes a few cues from HGTV's Fixer Upper to help students find the right accounting career path. 미리보기
BURNEY, LAURIE.  Institute of Management Accountants 2017
6228 저널기사 Accounting Synergy インパクトで新時代の会計を作る 미리보기
渋澤 健 中央經濟社 2021
6229 저널기사 Accounting system management by hospitals operating in a changing regulatory environment 미리보기
Eldenburg, Leslie American Accounting Association 1996
6230 저널기사 Accounting System Management by Hospitals Operating in Changing Regulatory Environment 미리보기
6231 저널기사 Accounting Systems and Systems of Accountability - Understanding Accounting Practices in Their Organisational Contexts 미리보기
Roberts, J.;Scapens, R. Pergamon Press 1985
6232 저널기사 Accounting systems in organisational contexts 미리보기
Laughlin, R. C. Pergamon Press 1987
6233 저널기사 Accounting Systems in the Curriculum 미리보기
William R. Welke American Accounting Association
6234 저널기사 Accounting Systems, Participation In Budgeting, And Performance Evaluation 미리보기
Penno Mark ;; unknown 1990
6235 저널기사 Accounting systems, participation in budgeting, and performance evaluation 미리보기
Penno, Mark American Accounting Association 1990
6236 저널기사 Accounting talk' in a caring setting 미리보기
Joensson, S. ACADEMIC PRESS INC 1993
6237 저널기사 Accounting technologies and sustainability assessment models 미리보기
Bebbington, J.; Brown, J.; Frame, B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
6238 저널기사 Accounting Tech through the Years: A Long Look Back. 미리보기
CASTELLUCCIO, MICHAEL.  Institute of Management Accountants 2019
6239 저널기사 Accounting, the hidden collage? Accounting in the dialogues between a city and its financial institutions 미리보기
Mellemvik, F. ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD. 1997
6240 저널기사 Accounting: The new exposure draft on earnings per share 미리보기
unknown CPA JOURNAL 1996
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