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641 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Case Report. Nonfunctioning Adrenal Rest Tumor of the Liver: Radiologic Appearance/ 미리보기
Tajima, Tsuyoshi Raven Press 2001
642 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Clinical Image. Glanders Disease of the Liver and Spleen: CT Evaluation/ 미리보기
Georgiades, Christos Raven Press 2001
643 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Fast Breath-Hold T2-Weighted MRI of the Kidney by Means of Half-Fourier Single-Shot Turbo Spin Echo: Comparison with High Resolution Turbo Spin Echo Sequence/ 미리보기
Nakayama, Yoshiharu Raven Press 2001
644 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Functional CT Imaging of the Acute Hyperemic Response to Radiation Therapy of the Prostate Gland: Early Experience/ 미리보기
Harvey, Christopher J Raven Press 2001
645 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Helical CT Demonstration of Dilated Right Inferior Phrenic Arteries as Extrahepatic Collateral Arteries of Hepatocellular Carcinomas/ 미리보기
Gokan, Takehiko Raven Press 2001
646 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Interface Vessels on Color/Power Doppler US and MRI: A Clue to Differentiate Subserosal Uterine Myomas from Extrauterine Tumors/ 미리보기
Kim, Seung Hyup Raven Press 2001
647 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Intestinal Metastases from Gastric Adenocarcinoma: Helical CT Findings/ 미리보기
Jang, Hyun-Jung Raven Press 2001
648 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Pictorial Essay. Various Locations of Cystic and Alveolar Hydatid Disease: CT Appearances/ 미리보기
T�z�n, Meri� Raven Press 2001
649 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Splenic and Perisplenic Involvement in Acute Pancreatitis: Determination of Prevalence and Morphologic Helical CT Features/ 미리보기
Mortel�, Koenraad J Raven Press 2001
650 저널기사 ABDOMINAL AND PELVIC IMAGING - Temporal CT Changes After Hepatic and Renal Interstitial Radiotherapy in a Canine Model/ 미리보기
Solomon, Stephen B Raven Press 2001
651 저널기사 Abdominal aortic ancurysms in the New Zealand Maori population/ 미리보기
Rossaak, J. I Butterworth Scientific LTD 2003
652 저널기사 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm and a Horseshoe Kidney/ 미리보기
653 저널기사 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm as an Incidental Finding/ 미리보기
Lin, P. H Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
654 저널기사 Abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in high-risk and elderly patients/ 미리보기
Geraghty, P. J Minerva Medica 2003
655 저널기사 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Elective Endovascular Repair versus Conventional Surgery-Evaluation with Evidence-based Medicine Techniques/ 미리보기
Maher, M. M The Radiological Society of North America 2003
656 저널기사 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in Hemodialysis Patients with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease/ 미리보기
Kato, A S. Karger 2001
657 저널기사 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms in "High-Risk" Surgical Patients: Comparison of Open and Endovascular Repair/ 미리보기
Jordan, W. D J. B. Lippincott [etc.] 2003
658 저널기사 Abdominal Complications and Sequelae after Breast Reconstruction with Pedicled TRAM Flap: Is There Still an Indication for Pedicled TRAM in the Year 2003?/ 미리보기
Petit, J. Y Williams & Wilkins 2003
659 저널기사 Abdominal Decompression Prior to Organ Harvesting: Case Report/ 미리보기
Manning, B M Williams & Wilkins 2001
660 저널기사 Abdominal distention in a cat 미리보기
Walsh, G The Association 1997
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