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6581 저널기사 Accuracy Enhancement, Agency Costs, and Disclosure Regulation 미리보기
Michael Guttentag Berkeley Electronic Press
6582 저널기사 Accuracy enhancement of five-axis CNC machines through real-time error compensation/ 미리보기
Lei, W. T Pergamon 2003
6583 저널기사 Accuracy improvements from a consensus of updated individual analyst earnings forecasts 미리보기
Stickel, S. E. ELSEVIER 1993
6584 저널기사 Accuracy increase of finite difference calculations on arbitrary meshes by means of differentiation of the partial differential equations and their boundary conditions 미리보기
Arad, M Pergamon Press 1997
6585 저널기사 Accuracy in Film-Scanner Intensity Measurements 미리보기
WERNER, P.-E Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1970
6586 저널기사 Accuracy in Government Disclosures. 미리보기
Ketz J. Edward New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants 2014
6587 저널기사 Accuracy in Job Analysis: Toward an Inference-Based Model 미리보기
Morgeson, F. P. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2000
6588 저널기사 Accuracy is addictive GPS, now a $12 billion industry, was invented over a holiday weekend 미리보기
6589 저널기사 Accuracy limitations of fast mechanical probing 미리보기
Van Vliet, W. P Technische Rundschau 1996
6590 저널기사 Accuracy measures for American put option pricing algorithms 미리보기
Goldenberg, D.H. Inderscience 2009
6591 저널기사 Accuracy measures; theoretical and practical concerns 미리보기
Makridakis, S. ELSEVIER 1993
6592 저널기사 Accuracy of a collagen-plug biopsy site marking device deployed after stereotactic core needle breast biopsy/ 미리보기
Rosen, E. L American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2003
6593 저널기사 Accuracy of a Noninvasive Temporal Artery Thermometer for Use in Infants/ 미리보기
Greenes, David S American Medical Association 2001
6594 저널기사 Accuracy of approximate kinetic energy functionals in the model of Kohn-Sham equations with constrained electron density: The FH桁�CH complex asa test case 미리보기
Wesolowski, T. A American Institute of Physics 1980
6595 저널기사 Accuracy of a single question in screening for depression in a cohort of patients after stroke: comparative study/ 미리보기
Watkins, Caroline The Association 2001
6596 저널기사 Accuracy of a Slide Profiler for Endocervical Cell Detection in No-Further-Review Conventional Pap Smears/ 미리보기
Rowe, L. R Williams and Wilkins Co 2003
6597 저널기사 Accuracy of atomic-sphere approximation in electronic-structure calculations for transition-metal systems/ 미리보기
Hoshino, T North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
6598 저널기사 Accuracy of bladder volume determinations by ultrasonography: are they accurate over entire bladder volume range?/ 미리보기
Byun, S. S Excerpta Medica, etc.] 2003
6599 저널기사 Accuracy of Bone flow measurement / 미리보기
Tothill, P 1987
6600 저널기사 Accuracy of canine parturition date prediction using fetal measurements obtained by ultrasonography/ 미리보기
Kutzler, M. A Butterworths, etc 2003
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