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6621 저널기사 Accuracy of Estimation of External Blood Loss by EMS Personnel/ 미리보기
Patton, Kenneth 2001
6622 저널기사 Accuracy of family history data on Parkinson's disease/ 미리보기
Marder, K Advanstar Communications [etc.] 2003
6623 저널기사 Accuracy of Final Height Prediction and Effect of Growth-Reductive Therapy in 362 Constitutionally Tall Children 미리보기
De Waal, W. J Issued for the Endocrine Society by the Williams & Wilkins Co 1980
6624 저널기사 Accuracy of fine-needle aspiration cytology in patients with radiation-induced thyroid neoplasms Thyroid cytology not reliable in patients with previous neck radiation/ 미리보기
Kikuchi, S Butterworth Scientific LTD 2003
6625 저널기사 Accuracy of finite elements in computing the synchronous reactances of surface and buried permanent magnet brushless motors 미리보기
Wing, M. JAMES & JAMES 1995
6626 저널기사 Accuracy of Fourier transform infrared spectrometry in determination of casein in dairy cows' milk/ 미리보기
Sorensen, L. K Cambridge University press 2003
6627 저널기사 Accuracy of frozen section diagnoses of breast lesions after introduction of a national programme in mammographic screening/ 미리보기
Scheiden, R Blackwell Scientific Publications 2001
6628 저널기사 Accuracy of frozen section for the operative management of endometrial cancer/ 미리보기
Quinlivan, Julie A 2001
6629 저널기사 Accuracy of GDP growth forecasts for transition countries: Ten?years of forecasting assessed 미리보기
Krkoska, L.; Teksoz, U. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
6630 저널기사 Accuracy of gleason grading by practicing pathologists and the impact of education on improving agreement/ 미리보기
Mikami, Y W. B. Saunders Co 2003
6631 저널기사 Accuracy of Hemodynamic Measurements during Partial Liquid Ventilation with Perflubron/ 미리보기
Fessler, Henry E 2000
6632 저널기사 Accuracy of Higher-Order Finite Difference Schemes on Nonuniform Grids (TN)/ 미리보기
Chung, Y. M American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2003
6633 저널기사 Accuracy of hospital activity analysis data in estimating the incidence of proximal femoral fracture/ 미리보기
REES,J.L British Medical Association 1982
6634 저널기사 Accuracy of hospital activity analysis poeration codes 미리보기
WHATES ,PETER D British Medical Association 1982
6635 저널기사 Accuracy of indirect blood pressure measurement in the elderly 미리보기
O'CALLAGHAN, WILLIAM G British Medical Association 1983
6636 저널기사 Accuracy of insulin injection in elderly patients 미리보기
PUXTY,J.A.H British Medical Association 1983
6637 저널기사 Accuracy of Intensity Measurements from Large Single Crystlas / 미리보기
BROGREN, G Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1969
6638 저널기사 Accuracy of International Conversions of Elite Sires and Cows When Conversion Equations Are Based on Linear Regression 미리보기
Weigel, K. A American Dairy Science Association 1997
6639 저널기사 Accuracy of Interviewers' Perceptions of the Importance of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Job Characteristics to Male and Female Applicants 미리보기
Giles, William F.;Feild, Hubert S. ACADEMY OF MANAGEMENT 1982
6640 저널기사 Accuracy of judgmental extrapolation of time series dataCharacteristics, causes, and remediation strategies for forecasting 미리보기
Welch, E. ELSEVIER 1998
맨앞 이전 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 다음 맨뒤
