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6641 저널기사 Accuracy of Lagrangian approximations in voids 미리보기
Sahni, V Priestley and Weale 1980
6642 저널기사 Accuracy of localizing radiopaque markers by abdominal radiography and correlation between their gastric emptying rate and that of a canned food in dogs 미리보기
Grant Guilford, W American Veterinary Medical Association 1997
6643 저널기사 Accuracy of magnetic resonance imaging in determining cause of sudden death in adults: comparison with conventional autopsy/ 미리보기
Roberts, I. S. D Blackwell Scientific Publications 1900
6644 저널기사 Accuracy of Manual Vaccination Status Assessment in Preschool Children/ 미리보기
Shefer, A American Academy of Pediatrics [etc.] 2000
6645 저널기사 Accuracy of Measurement of Polyethylene Wear with Use of Radiographs of Total Hip Replacements/ 미리보기
Ebramzadeh, E Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, inc.] 2003
6646 저널기사 Accuracy of measurements of crown-rump length and biparietal diameter made by inexperienced operators using a real-time scanner/ 미리보기
FULTON, I.C British Medical Association 1981
6647 저널기사 Accuracy of measurements of total ozone by a SAOZ ground-based zenith sky visible spectrometer 미리보기
Sarkissian, A William Byrd Press for John Hopkins Press 1980
6648 저널기사 Accuracy of medical RP models 미리보기
Mallepree, T.; Bergers, D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
6649 저널기사 Accuracy of Methods Using Somatic Cell Count and N-Acetyl-�D-Glucosaminidase Activity in Milk to Assess the Bacteriological Cure of Bovine Clinical Mastitis 미리보기
Pyoeraelae, S American Dairy Science Association 1997
6650 저널기사 Accuracy of modelling non-equilibrium electron transport in silicon using hydrodynamic transport equations 미리보기
Cheng, M. JAMES & JAMES 1994
6651 저널기사 Accuracy of modelling non-equilibrium electron transport in silicon using hydrodynamic transport equations 미리보기
Cheng, M.; Wen, Y. Boole Press 1994
6652 저널기사 Accuracy of Monte Carlo photon transport simulation in characterizing brachytherapy dosimeter energy-response artefacts 미리보기
Das, R. K Institute of Physics in association with the American Institute of Physics and the American Associat 1980
6653 저널기사 Accuracy of MRI in the detection of residual breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy/ 미리보기
Rosen, E. L American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2003
6654 저널기사 Accuracy of Nasal Cannula Pressure Recordings for Assessment of Ventilation during Sleep/ 미리보기
Thurnheer, Robert us 2001
6655 저널기사 Accuracy of needle placement/ 미리보기
Geiringer, S. R American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
6656 저널기사 Accuracy of Numerical Solutions Using the Euler Equation Residuals/ 미리보기
Santos, Manuel S Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 2000
6657 저널기사 Accuracy of Numerical Solutions Using the Euler Equation Residuals 미리보기
Santos, M. S. Econometric Society, the University of Chicago 2000
6658 저널기사 Accuracy of Numerical Solutions Using the Euler Equation Residuals 미리보기
6659 저널기사 Accuracy of NY Times Story on Chinese Taxation Disputed 미리보기
Johnston, S.S. Tax Analysts 2015
6660 저널기사 Accuracy of OECD and IMF Projection 미리보기
Kreinin, M. E. 00 2000
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