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6701 저널기사 Accuracy of visible and ultraviolet light for estimating live root proportions with minirhizotrons 미리보기
Wang, Z Ecological Society of America, etc.] 1980
6702 저널기사 Accuracy or Consequential Validity: Which is the Better Standard for Job Analysis Data? 미리보기
Sanchez, J. I. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2000
6703 저널기사 Accuracy/Robustness Dilemma in Impedance Control/ 미리보기
Valency, T American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
6704 저널기사 Accuracy test of sensitivity analysis in the semi-analytic method with respect to configuration variables 미리보기
Lee, K.-W Pergamon Press 1997
6705 저널기사 Accuracy, unbiasedness and efficiency of professional macroeconomic forecasts: An empirical comparison for the G7 미리보기
Dovern, J.; Weisser, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
6706 저널기사 Accuracy, Uncertainties, and Delay Distribution of Electron Time-of-Flight Measurements in Solar Flares 미리보기
Aschwanden, M. J Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
6707 저널기사 Accuracy, usefulness and the evaluation of analysts' forecasts 미리보기
Mozes, H. A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
6708 저널기사 Accuracy Versus Falsification Costs: The Optimal Amount of Evidence under Different Procedures 미리보기
Emons, W. Oxford University Press 2009
6709 저널기사 `Accuracy' versus `Utility' in the `Ethnic Conflict' Paradigm: A Rejoinder to Sean Swan 미리보기
Edwards, A. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
6710 저널기사 Accurate 3-D cutting force prediction using cutting condition independent coefficients in end milling/ 미리보기
Yun, Won-Soo Pergamon 2001
6711 저널기사 Accurate 3D image colour histogram transformation/ 미리보기
Morovic, J North Holland 2003
6712 저널기사 Accurate 3D Viscous Incompressible Flow Calculations with the FEM 미리보기
Guelcat, U Wiley 1980
6713 저널기사 Accurate 5-Axis Machining of Twisted Ruled Surfaces/ 미리보기
Tsay, Der Min American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2001
6714 저널기사 Accurate ab initio alkaline earth-helium pair potentials 미리보기
Lovallo, C. C North Holland 2003
6715 저널기사 Accurate ab initio quartic force field and vibrational frequencies of the NH^+~4 ion and its deuterated forms 미리보기
Martin, J. M. L. Lee, T. J. North Holland 1996
6716 저널기사 Accurate adiabatic correction for the hydrogen molecule using the Born-Handy formula 미리보기
Cencek, W. Kutzelnigg, W. North Holland 1997
6717 저널기사 Accurate algebraic coupled-state calculation of positron-hydrogen scattering at low energies 미리보기
Gien, T. T IOP Pub 1980
6718 저널기사 Accurate amplitudes for electron-impact ionization (11 pages)/ 미리보기
Baertschy, M 2001
6719 저널기사 Accurate analysis of the magneto-optical permittivity tensor of Y~3Fe~5O~1~2/ 미리보기
Allen, G. A American Institute of Physics 2003
6720 저널기사 Accurate analytical representations of the core-electron densities of the elements 3 through 118 미리보기
Cioslowski, J American Institute of Physics 1980
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