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6721 저널기사 Accurate analytic wavefunctions for two-electron atoms 미리보기
Le Sech, C IOP Pub 1980
6722 저널기사 Accurate and Efficient Discretization of Navier-Stokes Equations on Mixed Grids/ 미리보기
Haselbacher, A American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2000
6723 저널기사 Accurate and Precise Isotope Dilution Mass Spectrometry Method for Determining Glucose in Whole Blood 미리보기
Hannestad, U American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
6724 저널기사 Accurate and statistically verified quantification of relative mRNA abundances using SYBR Green I and real-time RT-PCR/ 미리보기
Marino, J. H North-Holland 2003
6725 저널기사 Accurate Assessment of Patient Effective Radiation Dose and Associated Detriment Risk From Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation Procedures/ 미리보기
Perisinakis, Kostas American Heart Association, etc.] 2001
6726 저널기사 Accurate atomic parameters for near-infrared spectral lines/ 미리보기
Borrero, J. M Springer-Verlag 2003
6727 저널기사 Accurate blemish detection with active contour models 미리보기
Yang, Q Elsevier 1996
6728 저널기사 Accurate body force integration in boundary methods applied to plane elasticity 미리보기
Burgess, G Pergamon Press 1996
6729 저널기사 Accurate calculation of Auger rates in infrared materials 미리보기
Krishnamurthy, S American Institute of Physics 1980
6730 저널기사 Accurate Calculation of Elastic Buckling Loads for Space Frames Built Upof Uniform Beams with Open Thin-walled Cross-section 미리보기
Saellstroem, J. H Wiley [etc.] 1980
6731 저널기사 Accurate calculation of quantum and diffusion propagators in arbitrary dimensions 미리보기
Drozdov, A. N American Institute of Physics 1980
6732 저널기사 Accurate calculation of the dielectric constant of water from simulations of a microscopic droplet in vacuum 미리보기
Simonson, T. North Holland 1996
6733 저널기사 Accurate calculations of transition probabilities, isotope shifts and hyperfine structures for some allowed 2s^22p^n-2s2p^n^+^1 transitions in B 1, C II and C 1 미리보기
Joensson, P IOP Pub 1980
6734 저널기사 Accurate Cell Dimesions for ABO4 Molybdates and tungstates. 미리보기
SLEIGHT, A. W Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1972
6735 저널기사 Accurate chromatin organization of the mouse mammary tumor virus promoter determines the nature of the synergism between transcription factors 미리보기
Prado, F.; Koop, R.; Beato, M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
6736 저널기사 Accurate Computation of Design Sensitivities for Dynamically Loaded Structures with Displacement Constraints 미리보기
Paul, A. C American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
6737 저널기사 Accurate Computation of Weights in Classical Gauss-Christoffel Quadrature Rules 미리보기
Yakimiw, E Academic Press 1980
6738 저널기사 Accurate confidence limits for quantiles under random censoring 미리보기
Strawderman, R. L Biometric Society, etc.] 1980
6739 저널기사 Accurate cubic spline interpolation of magnetization tables 미리보기
Badea, E. A. JAMES & JAMES 1993
6740 저널기사 Accurate data path models for fast RT-level power estimation/ 미리보기
Theoharis, S Institution of Electrical Engineers 2000
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