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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
6781 저널기사 Accurate initial conditions for the direct numerical simulation of temporal compressible binary shear layers with high density ratio/ 미리보기
Lardjane, N Pergamon Press 2004
6782 저널기사 Accurate in situ lattice matching from the dynamics of high energy electron diffraction 미리보기
Cunningham, J. E American Institute of Physics 1980
6783 저널기사 Accurate intermolecular binding energies of 1-naphthol to benzene and cyclohexane 미리보기
Buergi, T. Leutwyler, S. Wickleder, C. Droz, T. North Holland 1997
6784 저널기사 Accurate in vivo dosimetry of a randomized trial of prostate cancer irradiation/ 미리보기
Meijer, Gert J Pergamon Press 2001
6785 저널기사 Accurate in-vivo verification of incident fluence distributions delivered during IMRT treatments/ 미리보기
Dirkx, M. L Pergamon Press 2003
6786 저널기사 Accurately Imagining Suicide: Imagine-Self, Imagine-Person, Observer Instructions 미리보기
Knott, E. C V.H. Winston [etc.] 1980
6787 저널기사 Accurately Measuring a Taper on a Workpiece in the lathe / 미리보기
Noble 1984
6788 저널기사 Accurate mass determination for double-lined spectroscopic binaries by digital cross-correlation spectroscopy: DM Virginis revisited 미리보기
Latham, D. W Springer-Verlag 1996
6789 저널기사 Accurate masses of very low mass stars. IV. Improved mass-luminosity relations/ 미리보기
Delfosse, X Springer-Verlag 2000
6790 저널기사 Accurate measurement of 1.5 mum lifetime of Er^3^+ in LiNbO~3 crystals and waveguides/ 미리보기
Zhang, D.-L American Institute of Physics 2003
6791 저널기사 Accurate measurement of extrudate temperature and heat loss on a twin-screw extruder 미리보기
Karwe, M. V The Institute 1997
6792 저널기사 Accurate Measurement of the 2^3S~1-3^3D~1 Two-Photon Transition Frequency in Helium: New Determination of the 2^3S~1 Lamb Shift 미리보기
Dorrer, C American Physical Society 1980
6793 저널기사 Accurate measurement of thermophoretic effect in microgravity 미리보기
Toda, A American Institute of Physics 1980
6794 저널기사 Accurate measurements of the intrinsic diffusivities of boron and phosphorus in silicon/ 미리보기
Haddara, Yaser M American Institute of Physics 2000
6795 저널기사 Accurate method for the determination of bulk minority-carrier lifetimesof mono- and multicrystalline silicon wafers 미리보기
Schmidt, J American Institute of Physics 1980
6796 저널기사 Accurate methods for frequency responses and their sensitivities of proportionally damped systems/ 미리보기
Qu, Zu-Qing Pergamon Press 2001
6797 저널기사 Accurate Micromanometer / 미리보기
Winding, C. C American Chemical Society 1938
6798 저널기사 Accurate minimum capital risk requirements: A comparison of several approaches 미리보기
Grane, A.; Veiga, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
6799 저널기사 Accurate Model for Prediction of Gas Hydrate Formation Conditions in Mixtures of Aqueous Electrolyte Solutions and Alcohol/ 미리보기
Javanmardi, Jafar Canadian Society for Chemical Engineering 2001
6800 저널기사 Accurate Modified Configuration Interaction Calculations for Many Electron Systems Made Easy 미리보기
Goldman, S. P American Physical Society 1980
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