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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
6801 저널기사 Accurate Monotonicity-Preserving Schemes with Runge-Kutta Time Stepping 미리보기
Suresh, A Academic Press 1980
6802 저널기사 Accurate Monte Carlo critical exponents for Ising lattices/ 미리보기
Gonzalo, J. A. Garcia, J. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
6803 저널기사 Accurate Multiblock Navier-Stokes Solver for Complex Aerodynamic Configurations/ 미리보기
Epstein, B American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 2003
6804 저널기사 Accurate multichannel continuum states by a general configuration interaction expansion in a B-spline basis: application to He photoionization 미리보기
Venuti, M IOP Pub 1980
6805 저널기사 Accurate multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculations of transition probabilities in the Mg isoelectronic sequence 미리보기
Joensson, P IOP Pub 1980
6806 저널기사 Accurate nonrelativistic energies for some doubly excited P^e states of He 미리보기
Hilger, R. Kleindienst, H. Merckens, H.-P. North Holland 1996
6807 저널기사 Accurate nonrelativistic energies for the two lowest ^4S states of the Li I isoelectronic series 미리보기
Barrois, R. Kleindienst, H. Luechow, A. North Holland 1996
6808 저널기사 Accurate numerical determination of Kohn-Sham potentials from electronicdensities: I. Two-electron systems 미리보기
Mura, M. E American Institute of Physics 1980
6809 저널기사 Accurate Numerical Integration of State-Space Models for Aeroelastic Systems with Free Play 미리보기
Conner, M. D American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 1996
6810 저널기사 Accurate Numerical Simulation of Advection Using Large Time Steps 미리보기
Wallis, S. G Wiley 1980
6811 저널기사 Accurate numerical solution of Black-Scholes option pricing equations 미리보기
Garcia-Rubio, R. Inderscience 2011
6812 저널기사 Accurate optical-to-radio registration of Seyfert galaxies with HST images. Absolute astrometry of HST images 미리보기
Lattanzi, M. G Springer-Verlag 1997
6813 저널기사 Accurate pattern registration for integrated circuit tomography/ 미리보기
Levine, Zachary H American Institute of Physics 2001
6814 저널기사 Accurate pivotals from recapture experiments with time variation 미리보기
Lloyd, C. J Cambridge University Press 1980
6815 저널기사 Accurate Positional and Thermal Parameters of Hexamethleneteramine from K-Shell X-ray diffraction Data/ 미리보기
STEVENS, E. D Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1975
6816 저널기사 Accurate Positioning of RNA Polymerase II on a Natural TATA-Less Promoter Is Independent of TATA-Binding-Protein-Associated Factors and Initiator-Binding Proteins 미리보기
Weis, L American Society for Microbiology 1980
6817 저널기사 Accurate Prediction & Effective Quantitative Management of Software Development by unified structural Modeling of QCD 미리보기
Uchiya, T.; Tsubaki, H.; Kino, Y. Nihon Hinshitsu Kanri Gakkai 2015
6818 저널기사 Accurate Prediction of Protein Secondary Structural Content/ 미리보기
Lin, Zong 2001
6819 저널기사 Accurate Processing of a Eukaryotic Precursor Ribosomal RNA by Ribonuclease MRP in Vitro 미리보기
Lygerou, Z American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
6820 저널기사 Accurate product costing models for the paper industry 미리보기
Fogelholm, J Suomen Paperi- ja Puutavaralehi Oy] 1997
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