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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
6821 저널기사 Accurate product costing models for the paper industry 미리보기
6822 저널기사 Accurate quantum-chemical calculations: The use of Gaussian-type geminalfunctions in the treatment of electron correlation 미리보기
Persson, B. J American Institute of Physics 1980
6823 저널기사 Accurate reconstruction of a known HIV-1 transmission history by phylogenetic tree analysis 미리보기
Leitner, T National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
6824 저널기사 Accurate relativistic effective potentials for the sixth-row main group elements 미리보기
Wildman, S. A American Institute of Physics 1980
6825 저널기사 Accurate relativistic energies of one- and two-electron systems using Gaussian wave functions 미리보기
Cencek, W American Institute of Physics 1980
6826 저널기사 Accurate Robot Motion-Time Model of Start/Stop Point-to-Point Operations 미리보기
Wang, C.-C American Society of Mechanical Engineers 1980
6827 저널기사 Accurate Sizing of (CAG)n Repeats Causing Huntington Disease by Fluorescent PCR 미리보기
Toth, T American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
6828 저널기사 Accurate small split-valence 3-21SP and 4-22SP basis sets for the first-row atoms 미리보기
Mitin, A. V. Hirsch, G. Buenker, R. J. North Holland 1996
6829 저널기사 Accurate solution for the many body ABCD problem 미리보기
Agmon, N. Popov, A. V. North-Holland Pub. Co 2003
6830 저널기사 Accurate Structure Determination of trans-2,5-Dimethyl-3-hexene-2,5-diol Hemihydrate, C8H16O2 1/2H2O, at 86 K. I. Results of High-Order and Multipole Refinements/ 미리보기
VAN DER WAL, H.R Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1979
6831 저널기사 Accurate Structure Determination of trans-2,5-Dimethyl-3-hexene-2,5-diol Hemihydrate, C8H16O2 1/2H2O, at 86 K. Ⅱ. Discussion of the Electron Density Distribution/ 미리보기
VAN DER WAL, H.R Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1979
6832 저널기사 Accurate theoretical structures of radical cations containing unusually long bonds: the structures of CH~3CH~2OH^.^+, CH~3CH^+OH~2 and CH~2CH~2 OH~2 미리보기
Radom, L. Gauld, J. W. North Holland 1997
6833 저널기사 Accurate thermal stress predictions using C^0-continuous higher-order shear deformable elements 미리보기
Naganarayana, B. P North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
6834 저널기사 Accurate thermochemistry for larger molecules: Gaussian-2 theory with bond separation energies 미리보기
Raghavachari, K American Institute of Physics 1980
6835 저널기사 Accurate Topological Comparison of Two Recombinant Human Growth Hormonesby Optical Surface Plasmon Resonance 미리보기
Mani, J. C Academic Press 1980
6836 저널기사 Accurate translation of the genetic code depends on tRNA modified nucleosides 미리보기
Yarian, C.; Townsend, H.; Czestkowski, W.; Sochacka, E.; Malkiewicz, A. J.; Guenther, R.; Miskiewicz, A.; Agris, P. F. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
6837 저널기사 Accurate treatment of simple models for self-interaction 미리보기
Fernandez, F. M. North Holland 1997
6838 저널기사 Accurate Two-dimensional Classification of Stellar Spectra with Artificial Neural Networks 미리보기
Weaver, W. B Published by the University of Chicago Press for the American Astronomical Society 1980
6839 저널기사 Accurate Two-Dimensional Simulation of Advective-Diffusive-Reactive Transport/ 미리보기
Stefanovic, Dragoslav L American Society of Civil Engineers 2001
6840 저널기사 Accurate values of stability constant of Ca^2^+-murexide complex 미리보기
Tapan Kumar Khan Pergamon Press 1980
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