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6941 저널기사 Acetate labeling patterns of dinoflagellate polyketides, amphidinols 2, 3 and 4/ 미리보기
Houdai, Toshihiro Pergamon Press 2001
6942 저널기사 Acetate metabolism by Natronococcus occultus / 미리보기
Kevbrina, M.V s.n.] 1992
6943 저널기사 Acetate on Cu(110): evidence for long-range intermolecular interactions and molecular-induced restructuring of a metal surface 미리보기
Haq, S North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
6944 저널기사 Acetate or bicarbonate for heamodialysis? 미리보기
MANSELL, MARTIN. A British Medical Association 1983
6945 저널기사 Acetate removal in sewer biofilms under aerobic conditions 미리보기
Raunkjaer, K Pergamon Press 1980
6946 저널기사 Acetates and Acatato Complexes. Ⅳ. The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Tin Tetraacetate/ 미리보기
ALCOCK, NATHANIEL W Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1979
6947 저널기사 Acetato-bis(triphenyphosphine)copper(Ⅰ) 미리보기
DREW,MICHAEL G.B Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1975
6948 저널기사 Acetazolamide and Urolithiasis : 미리보기
Takasaki, Etsuji Dokkyo University School of Medicine 1986
6949 저널기사 Acetazolamide in prevention of acute mountain sickness : a double blind controlled cross-over study/ 미리보기
GREENE,M.K British Medical Association 1981
6950 저널기사 Acetazolamide Opens the Muscular KCa2+ Channel: A Novel Mechanism of Action That May Explain the Therapeutic Effect of the Drug in Hypokalemic Periodic Paralysis/ 미리보기
Tricario, Domenico Little, Brown and Co.] 2001
6951 저널기사 Acetazolamide Reduces Referred Postoperative Pain after Laparoscopic Surgery with Carbon Dioxide Insufflation/ 미리보기
Woehlck, H. J American Society of Anesthesiologists, etc.] 2003
6952 저널기사 Ace the Assessment Organizations take hiring tests seriously. You should, too 미리보기
Chamorro-Premuzic, Tomas Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University 2015
6953 저널기사 Ace the board interview 미리보기
Condit, M.; Clarke, J.M. Information for Industry, inc.] 2013
6954 저널기사 ACETIC ACID bar from pickled products by USDA urged 미리보기
Food Chemical News, Inc 1984
6955 저널기사 Acetic Acid Complex of 3-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H-pyrido[4,3-b]indole (Trp-P-1); A Potent Mutagenic Product from the Dry Distillation of Tryptophan/ 미리보기
ITAI, AKIKO Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1978
6956 저널기사 Acetic Acid Diffusion in Polyisobutylene: Probing Small Molecule Timothy X Barbari Structures/ 미리보기
Elabd, Yossef A American Chemical Society 2001
6957 저널기사 Acetic Acid Feeding Enhances Glycogen Repletion in Liver and Skeletal Muscle of Rats./ 미리보기
Fushimi, Takashi 2001
6958 저널기사 Acetic acid - friend or foe in anaerobic batch conversion of glucose to ethanol by Saccharomyces cerevisiae? 미리보기
Taherzadeh, M. J Pergamon Press 1980
6959 저널기사 Acetic Acid Pretreatment in Agar Extraction of Philippine Gelidiella acerosa (Forsskaal) Feldmann et Hamel (Rhodophyta, Gelidiales) 미리보기
Roleda, M. Y de Gruyter 1980
6960 저널기사 Acetic acid로 유도된 위궤양에 대한 고백반, 적석지, 해표초의 항궤양 효과 비교 연구 / 미리보기
이내경 忠南大學校 大學院 1996
맨앞 이전 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 다음 맨뒤
