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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
7081 저널기사 Achievable rates for the Gaussian quantum channel (10 pages)/ 미리보기
Harrington, Jim Published by the American Physical Society through the American Institute of Physics 2001
7082 저널기사 Achieved and tangible benefits: lessons learned from a landmark EDRMS implementation 미리보기
Wilkins, L.; Swatman, P. M.; Holt, D. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
7083 저널기사 Achieve Elite Status 미리보기
unknown American Institute of Certified Public Accountants [etc.] 2015
7084 저널기사 Achievement Against Odds 미리보기
McGuire, C. B. ACADEMIC PRESS, INC. 2001
7085 저널기사 Achievement and avoidance motivational orientations in the domain of mentoring 미리보기
Hirschfeld, R. R.; Thomas, C. H.; Lankau, M. J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2006
7086 저널기사 Achievement and improvement in living standards 미리보기
Majumder, A. ELSEVIER 1996
7087 저널기사 Achievement and Improvement in Living Standards - An Empirical Analysis 미리보기
Majumder, A Reidel Pub. Co 1980
7088 저널기사 Achievement and significance of optimal chip quality 미리보기
Hartler, N Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1980
7089 저널기사 Achievement assessment for enterprise resource planning (ERP) system implementations based on critical success factors (CSFs) 미리보기
Sun, A. Y.; Yazdani, A.; Overend, J. D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
7090 저널기사 Achievement Differences on Multiple-Choice and Essay Tests in Economics 미리보기
7091 저널기사 Achievement Differences on Multiple-Choice and Essay Tests in Economics 미리보기
Walstad, W. B.;Becker, W. E. The Association 1994
7092 저널기사 Achievement goals and intrinsic motivation: Coherence, concordance, and achievement orientation/ 미리보기
Durik, A. M Academic Press 2003
7093 저널기사 Achievement Goals, Locus of Control, and Academic Success in Economics 미리보기
Hadsell, L. American Economic Association 2010
7094 저널기사 Achievement in In-service Education 미리보기
7095 저널기사 Achievement Motivation Among Anglo-American and Hawaiian Male Physical Activity Participants: Individual Differences and Social Contextual Factors 미리보기
Hayashi, C. T Human Kinetics Publishers 1980
7096 저널기사 Achievement motivation among urban adolescents: Work hope, autonomy support, and achievement-related beliefs 미리보기
Kenny, M. E.; Walsh-Blair, L. Y.; Blustein, D. L.; Bempechat, J.; Seltzer, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2010
7097 저널기사 Achievement Motive and Entrepreneurial Orientation: A Structural Analysis 미리보기
Sagie, A. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1999
7098 저널기사 Achievement of High Fusion Performance in JT-60U Reversed Shear Discharges 미리보기
Ishida, S American Physical Society 1980
7099 저널기사 Achievement of optimum laser cleaning in the restoration of artworks: expected improvements by on-line optical diagnostics/ 미리보기
Salimbeni, R Pergamon Press 2001
7100 저널기사 Achievement of successful pregnancy in the preimplantation genetic diagnosis for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD), Ornithine Transcarbamylase (OTC) deficiency, and Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) of single gene disorders/ 미리보기
Lee, H. S American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
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