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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
7101 저널기사 Achievement of Thermal Stability by Varying Metabolic Heat Production inFlying Honeybees 미리보기
Harrison, J. F American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
7102 저널기사 Achievement of zero temperature coefficient of resistance with RuO~x thin film resistors 미리보기
Yong Tee Kim American Institute of Physics 1980
7103 저널기사 Achievement-related attitudes and the fate of "at-risk" groups in society 미리보기
O'Connell, M.; Sheikh, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
7104 저널기사 Achievements and challenges in econometric methodology 미리보기
Hendry, D. F. ELSEVIER 2001
7105 저널기사 Achievements and future challenges for environment and development economics 미리보기
Hassan, R. Cambridge University Press 2014
7106 저널기사 Achievements and opportunities in initiating governance for urban sustainability 미리보기
Smith, R.; Wiek, A. Pion Ltd. 2012
7107 저널기사 Achievements and trends of solid oxide fuel cells in clean energy field: a perspective review 미리보기
Abdalla M. Abdalla ; Shahzad Hossain ; Pg MohdIskandr Petra ; Mostafa Ghasemi ; Abul K. Azad Higher Education Press : springer. 2020
7108 저널기사 Achievement strategies during university studies predict early career burnout and engagement 미리보기
Salmela-Aro, K.; Tolvanen, A.; Nurmi, J. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2009
7109 저널기사 Achieve Success in Global Credit 미리보기
Bell, Ed The Association 2016
7110 저널기사 Achieving a balance between the avoidance of banking problems and their resolution—can financial cycle dynamics predict bank distress? 미리보기
Giannoula Karamichailidou ; David G. Mayes Palgrave Macmillan 2018
7111 저널기사 Achieving a balanced organizational structure in professional services firms: some lessons from a modeling project 미리보기
Kunc, M. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2008
7112 저널기사 Achieving acceptable advertising: an analysis of advertising regulation in five countries 미리보기
7113 저널기사 Achieving a Comprehensive Peace: The Linguistic Factor 미리보기
7114 저널기사 Achieving adaptive ends through equivocality: A study of organizational antecedents and consequences 미리보기
Neill, S.; Rose, G. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
7115 저널기사 Achieving Agricultural Pumpset Efficiency in Rural India 미리보기
Reidhead, W. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2001
7116 저널기사 Achieving agricultural pumpset efficiency in rural India 미리보기
Reidhead, William JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2001
7117 저널기사 Achieving a Healthy Oklahoma: Cross-Sector Cooperation to Improve Public Health Preparedness and Pandemic Response 미리보기
Westbrook G; Hollen H; Naqvi O; Neuwald S; Hann N; Cox G; et al. Mary Ann Liebert 2023
7118 저널기사 Achieving ambidextrous learning in construction engineering project partnerships: the roles of formal control and Chinese guanxi 미리보기
Suying Yang ; Yanhui Mao ; Tao Liu ; Conrad Baldner ; Scott Roberts ; Shaokai Lu New York, NY: Palgrave 2023
7119 저널기사 Achieving an ASEAN single shipping market: shipping and logistics firms' perspective 미리보기
Tongzon, Jose L.; Lee, Sang-Yoon Taylor & Francis 2016
7120 저널기사 Achieving an ASEAN single shipping market: shipping and logistics firms’ perspective 미리보기
Tongzon, Jose L.; Lee, Sang-Yoon Taylor & Francis 2016
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