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7121 저널기사 Achieving and Exceeding Logistics Outsourcing Expectations in Brazil: A Replication Study 미리보기
Hofer, Adriana Rossiter; Knemeyer, A. Michael; Murphy, Paul R. Pennsylvania State University Press 2015
7122 저널기사 Achieving and maintaining national cholesterol education program low-density lipoprotein cholesterol goals with five statins/ 미리보기
Andrews, Thomas C University of Virginia School of Medicine 2001
7123 저널기사 Achieving and Managing Equality in the Criminal Justice Process: Do the New Equality Measures Go Far Enough? 미리보기
JOHNSTONE, J. K.; LEACOCK, V. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010
7124 저널기사 Achieving a new equilibrium? The stability of cooperative employer-union relationships 미리보기
Oxenbridge, S.; Brown, W. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2004
7125 저널기사 Achieving Arbitrarily Large Decay in the Damped Wave Equation/ 미리보기
Castro, Carlos Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2001
7126 저널기사 Achieving a Safe and Early Discharge for Patients with Community-Acquired Pneumonia/ 미리보기
Rhew, David C Saunders 2001
7127 저널기사 Achieving a Seamless Curriculum in Georgia : 미리보기
Murdock, Arnold Prakken Publications 1999
7128 저널기사 Achieving a secure energy future: environmental and economic issues 미리보기
Pimentel, D. ELSEVIER 1994
7129 저널기사 Achieving a Sense of Community. 미리보기
Knese, William F.  Institute of Management Accountants 2013
7130 저널기사 Achieving a sustainable world 미리보기
Proops, J. L. R. ELSEVIER 1996
7131 저널기사 Achieving Balance in Decentralization: A Case Study of Education Decentralization in Chile 미리보기
Parry, T. R. 00 1997
7132 저널기사 Achieving better on-time-delivery performance with the help of internal dependencies in the production 미리보기
Nieminen, P.; Takala, J. Inderscience Publishers 2006
7133 저널기사 Achieving better performance through target cost contracts: The tale of an underground railway station modification project 미리보기
Chan, D. W.; Lam, P. T.; Chan, A. P.; Wong, J. M. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
7134 저널기사 Achieving breakthrough performance improvement: results of implementing a fit-for-purpose total management system 미리보기
Chan, Y. K.; Gaffney, P.; Neailey, K.; Ip, W. H. MCB UNIVERSITY PRESS 2002
7135 저널기사 Achieving Business Success in Confucian Societies: The Importance of Guanxi (Connections) 미리보기
Yeung, I. Y. M. 00 1996
7136 저널기사 Achieving business success in Confucian societies: The importance of guanxi (connections) 미리보기
Yeung, Irene Y.M American Management Association 1996
7137 저널기사 Achieving child-health-related Millennium Development Goals: The role of infrastructure 미리보기
Fay, M.; Leipziger, D.; Wodon, Q.; Yepes, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
7138 저널기사 "Achieving Child-Health-Related Millennium Development Goals: The Role of Infrastructure"-A Comment 미리보기
Ravallion, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
7139 저널기사 "Achieving Child-Health-Related Millennium Development Goals: The Role of Infrastructure"-A Reply 미리보기
Fay, M.; Leipziger, D.; Wodon, Q.; Yepes, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
7140 저널기사 Achieving client-supplier alignment through management control paths 미리보기
Silva-Domingo, L.; Canet-Giner, T. EMERALD 2010
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