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701 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Pictorial Essay. Septic Thrombophlebitis of the Mesenteric and Portal Veins: CT Imaging/ 미리보기
Balthazar, Emil J Raven Press 2000
702 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Reevaluation of Spiral CT Cholangiography: Basic Considerations and Reliability for Detecting Choledocholithiasis in 80 Patients/ 미리보기
Takahashi, Masahide Raven Press 2000
703 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Siderotic Nodules at MR Imaging: Regenerative or Dysplastic? 미리보기
Krinsky, Glenn A Raven Press 2000
704 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Small Nodule Detection in Cirrhotic Livers: Evaluation with US, Spiral CT, and MRI and Correlation with Pathologic Examination of Explanted Liver/ 미리보기
Rode, Agn�s Raven Press 2001
705 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Technical Note. Rib Artifacts in Electron Beam Tomography: Incidence and Severity Without and With the Cone Beam Reconstruction Algorithm/ 미리보기
Enzweiler, Christian N H Raven Press 2001
706 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Two-Phase Helical CT for Detection of Early Gastric Carcinoma: Importance of the Mucosal Phase for Analysis of the Abnormal Mucosal Layer/ 미리보기
Lee, Jong Hwa Raven Press 2000
707 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Unenhanced Helical CT Using Increased Pitch for Suspected Renal Colic: An Effective Technique for Radiation Dose Reduction?/ 미리보기
Diel, Jack Raven Press 2000
708 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Value of Hepatic Arterial Phase CT Versus Lipiodol Ultrafluid CT in the Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma/ 미리보기
Colagrande, Stefano Raven Press 2000
709 저널기사 ABDOMINAL IMAGING - Vascular Encasement by Pancreatic Cancer: Correlation of CT Findings with Surgical and Pathologic Results/ 미리보기
Nakayama, Yoshiharu Raven Press 2001
710 저널기사 Abdominal Injuries Associated With Thoraco-Lumbar Fractures After Motor Vehicle Collision/ 미리보기
Beaunoyer, M Grune and Stratton 2001
711 저널기사 Abdominal inspection during laparoscopic surgery: who looks?/ 미리보기
Hanif, F American college of Ob and Gy 2003
712 저널기사 Abdominal Multidetector Row Computed Tomography/ 미리보기
Schoellnast, H Raven Press 2003
713 저널기사 Abdominal muscle activation of elite male golfers with chronic low back pain/ 미리보기
Horton, John F American College of Sports Medicine] 2001
714 저널기사 Abdominal muscle fatigue after maximal ventilation in humans 미리보기
Kyroussis, D American Physiological Society 1980
715 저널기사 Abdominal myomectomy: Risk factors for intraoperative and postoperative complications/ 미리보기
Montgomery, B. E American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
716 저널기사 Abdominal myomectomy versus uterine fibroid embolization in the treatment of symptomatic uterine leiomyomas/ 미리보기
Razavi, M. K American Roentgen Ray Society, etc.] 2003
717 저널기사 Abdominal Obesity and Risk of Ischemic Stroke: The Northern Manhattan Stroke Study/ 미리보기
Suk, S.-H American Heart Association] 2003
718 저널기사 Abdominal Pain: 미리보기
Robert M. Goldwyn, M.D.;Donald C. Harrison, M.D. Beck 1991
719 저널기사 Abdominal pain analgesia/ 미리보기
Monahan, D. L Elsevier Science Pub 2003
720 저널기사 Abdominal Pain Associated with Lactose Ingestion in Children with Lactose Intolerance/ 미리보기
Gremse, D. A J.B.Lippincott Co 2003
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