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7321 저널기사 Acid Adaptation Sensitizes Salmonella typhimurium to Hypochlorous Acid 미리보기
Leyer, G. J American Society for Microbiology. 1980
7322 저널기사 Acid-Adaptive Genes of Helicobacter pylori/ 미리보기
Wen, Y American Society for Microbiology 2003
7323 저널기사 Acid aluminum phosphate for the binding and coating of materials/ 미리보기
Chung, D. D. Chapman and Hall 2003
7324 저널기사 Acid and Base Catalysed Rearrangements of 9,10-Dioxotaxanes 미리보기
Appendino, G Pergamon Press 1980
7325 저널기사 Acid and base catalyzed ring-opening polymerization of 2,2,4,4,6,6-hexamethyl-8,8-diphenylcyclotetrasiloxane/ 미리보기
Teng, C. J Butterworth Scientific Ltd. [etc.] 2003
7326 저널기사 Acid and base effects on the morphology of composites formed from microemulsion polymerization and sol-gel processing 미리보기
Mukkamala, R. Cheung, H. M. Chapman and Hall 1997
7327 저널기사 Acid and enzymatic hydrolysis of the internal sialic acid residue in native and chemically modified ganglioside GM1 미리보기
Rodriguez, P. E. A Lipid Research, inc.] 1980
7328 저널기사 Acid- and Enzyme-Catalysed Cyclisation Reactions of (Z,E)-1(10),4-Cyclodecadiene Derivatives as Model Systems for Melampolides 미리보기
Pier, D. P Pergamon Press 1980
7329 저널기사 Acid and metal ion promoted hydrolysis of (N-(o-carboxyphenyl)iminodiacetato)(picolinato)chromate(III) complex: a mechanistic study/ 미리보기
Chatterjee, Chinmay Pergamon Press 2001
7330 저널기사 Acid and Thermal Unfolding of Escherichia coli Dihydrofolate Reductase 미리보기
Ohmae, E Japanese Biochemical Society 1980
7331 저널기사 Acid attack on pore-reduced cements 미리보기
Israel, D. Lachowski, E. E. Macphee, D. E. Chapman and Hall 1997
7332 저널기사 Acid-Base and Copper(II) Complexation Equilibria of Poly (inosinic)-Poly(cytidylic)Acid 미리보기
Gargallo, R John Wiley & Sons, etc.] 1997
7333 저널기사 Acid-base balance in field cases of bovine babesiosis/ 미리보기
Sherlock, M The Association 2003
7334 저널기사 Acid-base behaviour of tripeptides in solvents used in liquid chromatography. Correlation between pK values and solvatochromic parameters of acetonitrile-water mixtures 미리보기
Barbosa, J Elsevier Pub. Co 1997
7335 저널기사 Acid-base chemistry in the gas phase: The trans-1-naphthol-NH~3 complex in its S~0 and S~1 electronic states 미리보기
Humphrey, S. J American Institute of Physics 1980
7336 저널기사 Acid Base Disorders - Computer-Aided Learning Software on CD-ROM. James Hooper, ed. 미리보기
Durbin, C. G American Association for Clinical Chemistry 1980
7337 저널기사 Acid-base equilibria in aqueous solution of cis-bis(trimethylphosphine)platinum(II) dinitrate at 25�, 0.2 M ionic strength. A potentiometric study 미리보기
Macca, C Pergamon Press 1980
7338 저널기사 Acid-base equilibria in gamma-butyrolactone studied by use of pH-ISFETs 미리보기
Izutsu, K Pergamon Press 1980
7339 저널기사 Acid-Base Equilibria in Nonpolar Media. 1. A Spectrophotometric Method for Acidity Measurements in Heptane 미리보기
Leito, I American Chemical Society [etc.] 1980
7340 저널기사 Acid-Base Interactions on Interfacial Adhesion and Mechanical Responses for Glass-Fiber-Reinforced Low-Density Polyethylene 미리보기
Pak, S. H Wiley 1997
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