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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
7881 저널기사 A. Court of Justice Protecting Polish judges from Poland’s Disciplinary “Star Chamber”: Commission v. Poland (Interim proceedings) 미리보기
Laurent Pech Kluwer Law International 2021
7882 저널기사 A. Court of Justice Quantitative Easing at the Court of Justice – Doing whatever it takes to save the euro:Weiss and Others 미리보기
Ana Bobic ; Mark Dawson Kluwer Law International 2019
7883 저널기사 A. Court of Justice The Court of Justice annuls a national measure directly to protect ECB independence: Rimše-vic?s 미리보기
Alicia Hinarejos Parga Kluwer Law International 2019
7884 저널기사 A. Court of Justice The Danish tax avoidance cases: New milestones in the Court’s anti-abuse doctrine, 미리보기
Joachim Englisch Kluwer Law International 2020
7885 저널기사 A. Court of Justice The ECJ sacrifices EU citizenship in vain: Commission v. United Kingdom 미리보기
Charlotte O’brien Kluwer Law International 2017
7886 저널기사 A. Court of Justice The fine line between procedural and substantive review in cases involving complex technical-scientific evaluations: Bilbaína 미리보기
Giulia Claudia Leonelli Kluwer Law International 2018
7887 저널기사 A. Court of Justice The harmonized standards before the ECJ: James Elliott Construction 미리보기
Annalisa Volpato Kluwer Law International 2017
7888 저널기사 A. Court of Justice: The “special relationship” between the EU and the EEA EFTA States – free movement of EEA citizens in an extended area of freedom, security and justice: Ruska Federacija v. I.N. 미리보기
Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen;Christophe Hillion Kluwer Law International 2021
7889 저널기사 A. Court of Justice: The “special relationship” between the EU and the EEA EFTA States – free movement of EEA citizens in an extended area of freedom, security and justice: Ruska Federacija v. I.N. 미리보기
Halvard Haukeland Fredriksen;Christophe Hillion Kluwer Law International 2021
7890 저널기사 A. Court of Justice The unfairness of choice-of-law clauses, or: The (unclear) relationship betweenArticle 6 Rome I Regulation and the UnfairTerms in Consumer Contracts Directive: VKI v. Amazon 미리보기
Giesela Rühl Kluwer Law International 2018
7891 저널기사 A. Court of Justice The Union’s liability for failure to adjudicate within a reasonable time: EU tort law after Gascogne, Kendrion and ASPLA 미리보기
Katarzyna Kryla-Cudna ; Paul Verbruggen Kluwer Law International 2020
7892 저널기사 A. Court of Justice Upholding the rule of law in the Common Foreign and Security Policy: H v. Council 미리보기
Peter Van Elsuwege Kluwer Law International 2017
7893 저널기사 A. Court Of Justice Wightman, Brexit, And The Sovereign Right To Remain 미리보기
Armin Cuyvers Kluwer Law International 2019
7894 저널기사 Acoustical and optical backscatter measurements of sediment transport inthe 1988-1989 STRESS experiment 미리보기
Lynch, J. F Pergamon Press 1980
7895 저널기사 Acoustic alarms reduce porpoise mortality 미리보기
Kraus, S. D Macmillan Journals ltd., etc.] 1997
7896 저널기사 Acoustical Characteristics of Textile Materials/ 미리보기
Moholkar, V. S The Institute and the Foundation 2003
7897 저널기사 Acoustical characterization of absorbing porous materials through transmission measurements in a free field 미리보기
Amedin, C. K American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7898 저널기사 Acoustically controlled heat transfer of ferromagnetic fluid/ 미리보기
Wu, Feng 2001
7899 저널기사 Acoustically Driven Storage of Light in a Quantum Well 미리보기
Rocke, C American Physical Society 1980
7900 저널기사 Acoustically enhanced bubble growth at low frequencies and its implications for human diver and marine mammal safety 미리보기
Crum, L. A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
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