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7901 저널기사 Acoustically measured seasonal patterns of Zooplankton in the Arabian Sea/ 미리보기
Holliday, D V Pieper, R E Mcgehee, D E; Greenlaw, C F; Pergamon Press 2001
7902 저널기사 Acoustical properties of irregular and fractal cavities 미리보기
Sapoval, B American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7903 저널기사 Acoustic Analysis of Autologous Fat Injection Versus Thyroplasty in the Same Patient/ 미리보기
Hartl, D. M Annals Pub. Co 2003
7904 저널기사 Acoustic Analysis of Composite Soft Materials. I. Characterization of the Core and Boundary Layer from Compressibility of Core/Shell Particles Dispersed in Poly(vinyl chloride) Published online 8 June 2001/ 미리보기
Koda, S Wiley 2001
7905 저널기사 Acoustic and flexural wave scattering from a three-member junction 미리보기
Rebinsky, D. A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7906 저널기사 Acoustic and neural bases for innate recognition of song 미리보기
Whaling, C. S National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
7907 저널기사 Acoustic and physiologic characteristics of inspiratory phonation 미리보기
Orlikoff, R. F American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7908 저널기사 Acoustic approximation in the slamming problem 미리보기
Korobkin, A Cambridge University Press [etc.] 1980
7909 저널기사 Acoustic axisymmetric radiation and scattering from bodies of revolutionusing the internal source density and Fourier methods 미리보기
Stepanishen, P. R American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7910 저널기사 Acoustic backscatter from materials with rough surfaces and finite size microstructure: Theory 미리보기
Bilgen, M American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7911 저널기사 Acoustic backscatter observations of zooplankton abundance and behaviour and the influence of oceanic fronts in the northeast Atlantic/ 미리보기
Heywood, Karen J Wade, Ian P Pergamon Press 2001
7912 저널기사 Acoustic basis for recognition of aspect-dependent three-dimensional targets by an echolocating bottlenose dolphin 미리보기
Helweg, D. A American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7913 저널기사 Acoustic Breathers in Two-Dimensional Lattices 미리보기
Flach, S American Physical Society 1980
7914 저널기사 Acoustic bullets: Transient Bessel beams generated by planar apertures 미리보기
Stepanishen, P. R American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7915 저널기사 Acoustic calibration of a pressure-velocity probe 미리보기
Lazreq, Z American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7916 저널기사 Acoustic Characteristics of an Isolated Tiltrotor Model in the DNW/ 미리보기
Booth, E 2001
7917 저널기사 Acoustic characteristics of bi-directional turbines for thermoacoustic generators (first, second and last of 4) 미리보기
Dongdong LiuYanyan ChenErcang Luo Higher Education Press : springer. 2022
7918 저널기사 Acoustic characteristics of less-masculine-sounding male speech 미리보기
Avery, J. D American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
7919 저널기사 Acoustic Characteristics of Naturally Occurring Cries of Infants with "Colic" 미리보기
Zeskind, P. S Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development [etc. 1980
7920 저널기사 Acoustic characteristics of the piriform fossa in models and humans 미리보기
Dang, J American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
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