7921 |
Acoustic characteristics of trill productions by groups of Spanish children/
Carballo, Gloria
Taylor & Francis
7922 |
Acoustic characterization of an adult bubble injected into a fully developed turbulent flow field
Kolaini, A. R
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7923 |
Acoustic characterization of rigid-frame air-filled porous media using both reflection and transmission measurements
Frederickson, C. K
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7924 |
Acoustic Communication, Barry Truax. Ablex, London (1984), 244 pp. £32.50
J. Douglas Porteous
7925 |
Acoustic correlates of English and French nasalized vowels
Chen, M. Y
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7926 |
Acoustic correlates of hypernasality
Lee, A. S.-Y
Taylor & Francis
7927 |
Acoustic Counting of Adult Insects with Differing Rates and Intensities of Sound Production in Stored Wheat
Mankin, R. W
Entomological Society of America [etc.]
7928 |
Acoustic Cues to Grammatical Structure in Infant-Directed Speech: Cross-Linguistic Evidence
Fisher, C
Published by the University of Chicago Press for the Society for Research in Child Development [etc.
7929 |
Acoustic detection of laser induced melting of metals
Mesaros, M
American Institute of Physics
7930 |
Acoustic diffraction from the junction of two joined parallel plates
Norris, A. N
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7931 |
Acoustic dispersion and attenuation in many spherical scatterer systems and the Kramers-Kronig relations
Ye, Z
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7932 |
Acoustic dither injection in a medium with hysteretic quadratic nonlinearity
Gusev, V
North-Holland Pub. Co
7933 |
Acoustic Edge Modes of the Degenerate Two-Dimensional Electron Gas Studied by Time-Resolved Magnetotransport Measurements
Ernst, G
American Physical Society
7934 |
Acoustic effects of the ATOC signal (75 Hz, 195 dB) on dolphins and whales
Au, W. W. L
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7935 |
Acoustic eigenfrequencies in concentric spheroidal-spherical cavities
Kokkorakis, G. C
Academic Press
7936 |
Acoustic/elastic stop-band interaction in waveguides involving two periodicities
Hawwa, M. A
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7937 |
Acoustic elements of speechlike stimuli are reflected in surface recorded responses over the guinea pig temporal lobe
McGee, T
American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America
7938 |
Acoustic Emission Applied to Pipes of GFRP That Have Been Exposed to Corrosive Mediums
Morras, M. L
Technomic Pub. Co.]
7939 |
Acoustic emission induced by dislocation annihilation during plastic deformation of crystals/
Polyzos, B
American Institute of Physics
7940 |
Acoustic Emission Monitoring of Fracture of Fiber-Reinforced Concrete in Tension
Li, Faming
American Concrete Institute