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8041 저널기사 Acoustic wave scattering from transversely isotropic cylinders 미리보기
Honarvar, F American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
8042 저널기사 Acoustic waves in isothermal winds in the vicinity of the sonic point 미리보기
Grappin, R Springer-Verlag 1997
8043 저널기사 Acoustic waves in plasma / 미리보기
Galechyan, G.A 1995
8044 저널기사 Acoustic waves show internal stress 미리보기
Teresko, John Penton/IPC 1995
8045 저널기사 Acousto-elastic multiple scattering: A comparison of ultrasonic experiments with multiple multipole expansions 미리보기
Imhof, M. G American Institute of Physics for the Acoustical Society of America 1980
8046 저널기사 Acoustoelectric current for composite fermions (9 pages)/ 미리보기
Bergli, J 2001
8047 저널기사 Acoustoelectric current saturation in c-axis fiber-textured polycrystalline zinc oxide films 미리보기
Pompe, T American Institute of Physics 1980
8048 저널기사 Acoustoelectric currents in manganite thin films 미리보기
Dyakonov, K North-Holland 2003
8049 저널기사 Acoustoelectric pumping through a ballistic point contact in the presence of magnetic fields (7 pages)/ 미리보기
Entin-Wohlman, O Published for the American Physical Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
8050 저널기사 Acoustoelectronic instability in piezosemiconductors / 미리보기
Rysakov, V.M 1991
8051 저널기사 Acousto-optic surface-plasmon resonance measurements of thin films on gold 미리보기
Caruso, F American Institute of Physics 1980
8052 저널기사 ACOVE Quality Indicators - This table shows all of the quality indicators published in this supplement and on the American College of Physicians -- American Society of Internal Medicine Web site (www.acponline.org/sci-policy/)./ 미리보기
American College of Physicians] 2001
8053 저널기사 ACP-EU Development Cooperation at a Crossroads? One Year after the Second Revision of the Cotonou Agreement 미리보기
Bartelt, S. Kluwer Law International 2012
8054 저널기사 Acquaintance, meritocracy and critical realism: Researching recruitment and selection processes in smaller and growth organizations 미리보기
Taylor, S. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
8055 저널기사 Acquaintances, Lovers, and Friends: Rape Within Relationships/ 미리보기
Wilson, Margaret A V.H. Winston [etc.] 2001
8056 저널기사 Acquaintances or friends? Exploring the effects of contracts, trust and ethical level on opportunism in manufacturer-distributor relationships 미리보기
Miller, Richard J.; Munoz, Laura; Mallin, Michael Emerald Group Publishing Limited
8057 저널기사 Acquiescence in the face of dispossession in the Mahindra World City Special Economic Zone, Tamil Nadu, India 미리보기
Nidhi Subramanyam, Neema Kudva SAGE Publishing 2021
8058 저널기사 Acqui-hiring 미리보기
Coyle, J.F.; Polsky, G.D. Duke University School of Law 2013
8059 저널기사 Acquired activated protein C resistance is common in cancer patients and is associated with venous thromboembolism/ 미리보기
Haim, Nissim University of Virginia School of Medicine 2001
8060 저널기사 Acquired activated protein C resistance may be a risk factor for recurrent fetal loss/ 미리보기
Dawood, F American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
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