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Donaldson, J.S American Medical Association 1956
8102 저널기사 Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome in Aortic Stenosis/ 미리보기
Vincentelli, A Massachusetts Medical Society 2003
8103 저널기사 Acquirement of Agent Movement Rule which Adapt to Change in Environment Condition 미리보기
Shibata, J.; Okuhara, K. unknown 2006
8104 저널기사 Acquirement of Brown Fat Cell Features by Human White Adipocytes/ 미리보기
Tiraby, C American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
8105 저널기사 Acquirers' abnormal returns and the non-Big 4 auditor clientele effect 미리보기
Louis, H. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2005
8106 저널기사 Acquirer Valuation and Acquisition Decisions: Identifying Mispricing Using Short Interest 미리보기
Ben-David I, Drake MS, Roulstone DT University of Washington Graduate School of Business Administration and the Western Finance Association, 2015
8107 저널기사 Acquiring a Beijing hukou: Who Is Eligible and Who Is Successful? 미리보기
Tao Liu, Qiujie Shi Contemporary China Institute of the School of Oriental and African Studies, London University, etc.] 2020
8108 저널기사 Acquiring a Community: The Acquis and the Institution of European Legal Order 미리보기
Lindahl, H. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
8109 저널기사 Acquiring a global leadership mindset: The new competitive advantage in the marketplace 미리보기
unknown Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2010
8110 저널기사 Acquiring and retaining customers in UK banks: An exploratory study 미리보기
Farquhar, J. D.; Panther, T. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
8111 저널기사 Acquiring an in-depth understanding of assurance as a dimension of the SERVQUAL model in regard to the hotel industry in Thailand 미리보기
Sangpikul ; Aswin Channel View Books 2023
8112 저널기사 Acquiring Capital Equipment Through Shared-Risk Agreements 미리보기
Louie, C. The Association 1997
8113 저널기사 Acquiring CSR practices: from deception to authenticity 미리보기
Debeljak, J.; Krkac, K.; Banks, I. B. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING LTD 2011
8114 저널기사 Acquiring financial resources from foreign equity capital markets: An examination of factors influencing foreign initial public offerings 미리보기
Hursti, J.; Maula, M. V. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
8115 저널기사 Acquiring foreign equity assets without currency risk 미리보기
Wang, M. C.; Shyu, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
8116 저널기사 Acquiring Intellect: Managing the Integration of Knowledge-Intensive Acquisitions 미리보기
Birkinshaw, Julian Indiana University Graduate School of Business [etc.] 1999
8117 저널기사 Acquiring Intellect: Managing the Integration of Knowledge-Intensive Acquisitions 미리보기
Birkinshaw, J. JAI PRESS INC 1999
8118 저널기사 Acquiring intersentential explanatory connections in expository texts 미리보기
Gomez, F Academic Press 1980
8119 저널기사 Acquiring ISDN Is a Team Effort 미리보기
Durr, M Technical Pub. Co., etc.] 1980
8120 저널기사 Acquiring Knowledge by Foreign Partners from International Joint Ventures in a Transition Economy: Learning-by-Doing and Learning Myopia 미리보기
Tsang, E. W. K. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 2002
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