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83341 저널기사 The Analysis of Small-Angle Scattering Data from Polydisperse Rodlike Particles by Indirect Transform and Maximum-Entropy Methods 미리보기
Lin, T.-L Munksgaard International Booksellers and Publishers 1980
83342 저널기사 The analysis of sorption data of organic vapors in polymeric membranes through novel theories 미리보기
Castro, E. F Elsevier Scientific Pub. Co 1980
83343 저널기사 The analysis of sports forecasting: Modeling parallels between sports gambling and financial markets 미리보기
Simmons, R. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2004
83344 저널기사 The Analysis of Sterol Degradation Products to Detect Vegetable Fats in Chocolate 미리보기
Crews, C American Oil Chemists' Society 1980
83345 저널기사 The analysis of table-top quantum measurement with macroscopic masses/ 미리보기
Volikov, P S Khalili, F Ya; Braginsky, V B North-Holland Pub. Co 2001
83346 저널기사 The analysis of Taiwanese bank efficiency: Incorporating both external environment risk and internal risk 미리보기
Chiu, Y. H.; Chen, Y. C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
83347 저널기사 The analysis of the barred galaxy NGC 6701 미리보기
Marquez, I Springer-Verlag 1996
83348 저널기사 The analysis of the clockwork genes and peripheral circadian cycling genes in the mouse ovary/ 미리보기
Chung, M. K American Fertility Society [etc.] 2003
83349 저널기사 The analysis of the cross-reactions occurring in antibody-ELISA for the detection of trypanosomes can improve identification of the parasite species involved/ 미리보기
Desquesnes, M Academic Press [etc.] 2001
83350 저널기사 The analysis of the relationships of Korean outbound tourism demand: Jeju Island and three international destinations 미리보기
Seo, J. H.; Park, S. Y.; Yu, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2009
83351 저널기사 The analysis of the seam strength characteristics of the PES-PTFE air-jet-textured sewing threads 미리보기
Jonaitiene, V.; Stanys, S. MCB University Press 2005
83352 저널기사 The analysis of the structuring processes in oxyhydrate gel systems 미리보기
Sukharev, Y. I North Holland 2003
83353 저널기사 The analysis of the welfare effects of an environmental product tax: an application to the taxation of car tyres in Hungary 미리보기
Galarraga, I.; Markandya, A. INSTITUTE FOR FISCAL STUDIES 2003
83354 저널기사 The analysis of time series (Book Review). 미리보기
Maeshiro Asatoshi American Economic Assonication
83355 저널기사 The Analysis of University Graduates ICT Related Study Programs 미리보기
Doucek, P.; Maryska, M.; Novotny, O. Technicka Univerzita v Liberci 2013
83356 저널기사 The analysis on the determinants of mobile VIP customer churn: a logistic regression approach 미리보기
Su, Q.; Shao, P.; Ye, Q. Inderscience Enteprises 2013
83357 저널기사 The Analyst's Corner: Warning Analysis: A Risky Business 미리보기
Sawka, K. A. JOHN WILEY 1997
83358 저널기사 The analytical and descriptive inorganic chemistry of the hydrolysis of hexafluoropnictate ions, PnF6- (Pn = P, As, Sb, Bi)/ 미리보기
Ponikvar, M Elsevier] 2003
83359 저널기사 The analytical calculation of circular rods of variable cross-section bythe initial values method 미리보기
Artan, R Pergamon Press 1997
83360 저널기사 The Analytical Derivation and Empirical Test of a Tax-Adjusted Fundamental Value Model 미리보기
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