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83401 저널기사 The anatomy of an informal financial market: Rosca participation in Taiwan 미리보기
Levenson, A. R. 00 1996
83402 저널기사 The Anatomy of Antiliberalism. 미리보기
Spragens Jr., Thomas A.; Mezey, Michael L. Cambridge University Press
Thompson, Don Time, inc., etc.] 2015
83404 저널기사 The Anatomy of Autonomy: An Institutional Account of Variation in Supranational Influence 미리보기
Tallberg, J. BLACKWELL 2000
83405 저널기사 The anatomy of autonomy: Reassessing the autonomy of the European Commission 미리보기
TRONDAL, J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2008
83406 저널기사 The anatomy of bank diversification 미리보기
Elsas, R.; Hackethal, A.; Holzhauser, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
83407 저널기사 The anatomy of banking firm financial condition 미리보기
Njoku, J.; Inanga, E.L. Inderscience 2010
83408 저널기사 The anatomy of conflict and the politics of identity in two cooperative salmon management regimes 미리보기
Ebbin, S. A. Kluwer Academic Publishers, [etc.] 2004
83409 저널기사 The Anatomy of Courage in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics 미리보기
Lorraine Smith Pangle University of Notre Dame : Cambridge University Press 2018
83410 저널기사 The anatomy of credibility: A conceptual framework of valued career helper attributes 미리보기
Bosley, S.; Arnold, J.; Cohen, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam 2007
83411 저널기사 The anatomy of emergence, with a focus upon capital formation 미리보기
Harper, D. A.; Endres, A. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2012
83412 저널기사 The anatomy of financial crises: Evidence from the emerging ADR market 미리보기
Pasquariello, P. North-Holland 2008
83413 저널기사 The Anatomy of Fraudulent Behavior 미리보기
Dunkelberg, J. JAI PRESS INC 1998
83414 저널기사 The Anatomy of French Production Hierarchies 미리보기
Caliendo, Lorenzo; Monte, Ferdinando; Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban University of Chicago Press 2015
83415 저널기사 The anatomy of growth in the OECD since 1870 미리보기
Madsen, J. B. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
83416 저널기사 The anatomy of increasing inequality of U.S. family incomes 미리보기
Pryor, F. L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
83417 저널기사 The Anatomy of Industry R&D Intensity Distributions. 미리보기
Cohen Wesley M. ; Klepper Steven American Economic Assonication
83418 저널기사 The anatomy of large valuation episodes 미리보기
Bénétrix, A. n. Springer 2009
83419 저널기사 The anatomy of management education 미리보기
Engwall, L. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2007
83420 저널기사 The Anatomy of Monetary Theory. 미리보기
Clower Robert W. American Economic Assonication
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