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83421 저널기사 The Anatomy of Mortgage Default Using Shape-Constrained Explainable Machine Learning Model 미리보기
Geng Deng; Guangning Xu; Zebin Yang; Yongping Liang; Xindong Wang; Qiang Fu; Aijun Zhang; Agus Sudjianto Pageant Media Ltd 2023
83422 저널기사 The Anatomy of Nonmarket Failure: An Examination of Environmental Policies. 미리보기
White Ron D. American Economic Assonication
83423 저널기사 The anatomy of portfolio skewness and kurtosis 미리보기
Hall, A. D.; Satchell, S. E. Henry Stewart Pub 2013
83424 저널기사 The Anatomy of Private Law Theory: A 25th Anniversary Essay 미리보기
Cane, P. Oxford University Press 2005
83425 저널기사 The Anatomy of Rising Earnings Inequality in Urban China 미리보기
Gustafsson, B. Academic Press; 1999 2001
83426 저널기사 The Anatomy of Rural Family Revolution: State, Law, and the Family in Rural China, 1949-1966 - Part One 미리보기
Diamant, N. J. 00 1997
83427 저널기사 The Anatomy of Rural Family Revolution: State, Law, and the Family in Rural China, 1949-1966 - Part Two 미리보기
Diamant, N. J. 00 1997
83428 저널기사 The anatomy of sovereign debt crisesLessons from the American state defaults of the 1840s 미리보기
83429 저널기사 The anatomy of subjective well-being 미리보기
van Praag, B. M.; Frijters, P.; Ferrer-i-Carbonell, A. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
83430 저널기사 The anatomy of T-cell activation and tolerance 미리보기
Mondino, A National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
83431 저널기사 The anatomy of the accessory nerve and cervical lymph node biopsy/ 미리보기
Nason, Richard W Louis F. LeJacq 2000
83432 저널기사 The anatomy of the fruit in relation to the propensity of citrus species to split/ 미리보기
Garc�-Luis, A International Society for Horticultural Science 2001
83433 저널기사 The Anatomy of the Turkish Military's Political Autonomy 미리보기
Sakallioglu, U. C. Political Science Program of the City University of New York, etc.] 1997
83434 저널기사 The Anatomy of the VAT 미리보기
Keen, M. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America] 2013
83435 저널기사 The anatomy of three commodity booms 미리보기
Radetzki, M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2006
83436 저널기사 The anatomy of unemployment dynamics 미리보기
Abbring, J. H.; van den Berg, G. J.; van Ours, J. C. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2002
83437 저널기사 The Anatomy of Violence: The Biological Roots of Crime 미리보기
Silver, Ian; Nedelec, Joseph L. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences 2019
83438 저널기사 The ANC A sad and sorry decline 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd 2013
83439 저널기사 The ANCAT/EC global inventory of NO~x emissions from aircraft 미리보기
Gardner, R. M Pergamon 1997
83440 저널기사 The Anchor and Adjustment Heuristic in Time-series Forecasting 미리보기
Lawrence, M. JOHN WILEY & SONS LTD 1995
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