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83781 저널기사 The AP-1 Adaptor Complex Binds to Immature Secretory Granules from PC12 Cells, and Is Regulated by ADP-Ribosylation Factor 미리보기
Dittie, A. S Rockefeller University Press 1980
83782 저널기사 The AP-2 Complex Is Excluded from the Dynamic Population of Plasma Membrane-associated Clathrin/ 미리보기
Rappoport, J. Z American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
83783 저널기사 The AP2 domain of APETALA2 defines a large new family of DNA binding proteins in Arabiclopsis 미리보기
Okamuro, J. K National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
83784 저널기사 The AP-3 Adaptor Complex Is Essential for Cargo-Selective Transport to the Yeast Vacuole 미리보기
Cowles, C. R MIT Press 1997
83785 저널기사 The a-particle in nuclear matter 미리보기
Beyer, M North-Holland Pub. Co 2000
83786 저널기사 The apathetic European election: Wanted: a vigorous debate 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2009
Luper, Oral L.; Rosenfield, Paul Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
83788 저널기사 The APC-independent anticoagulant activity of protein S in plasma is decreased by elevated prothrombin levels due to the prothrombin G20210A mutation/ 미리보기
Koenen, R. R W.B. Saunders Co., etc.] 2003
83789 저널기사 The APCOA schemes of arrangement: class composition and new obligations 미리보기
Bayfield, Daniel; Perkins, Ryan 2015
83790 저널기사 The APC tumor suppressor protein in development and cancer 미리보기
Moon, R. T Elsevier Science Publishers (Biomedical Division) 1980
83791 저널기사 The AP diameter of the pelvis: a new criterion for continence in the exstrophy complex?/ 미리보기
Ait-Ameur, Amir Springer-Verlag 2001
83792 저널기사 The aperiodic states of zircon: an ab initio molecular dynamics study 미리보기
Balan, E Mineralogical Society of America 2003
83793 저널기사 The APG8/12-activating Enzyme APG7 Is Required for Proper Nutrient Recycling and Senescence in Arabidopsis thaliana 미리보기
Doelling, J. H.; Walker, J. M.; Friedman, E. M.; Thompson, A. R.; Vierstra, R. D. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
83794 저널기사 The Apgar Score in the 21st Century/ 미리보기
Papile, L-A Massachusetts Medical Society 2001
83795 저널기사 The aphasic stroke patient, competency, and the right-to-refuse treatment; medicine, law and ethics: a case report. Hillel M. Finestone, MD (SOCHS, Elisabeth Bruyere Health Centre, Ottawa, ON, Canada); Jeff Blackmer, MD, MHSc, FRCPC, e-mail: hfinesto@sco/ 미리보기
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine 2003
83796 저널기사 The aphid transmission factor of cauliflower mosaic virus forms a stablecomplex with microtubules in both insect and plant cells 미리보기
Blanc, S National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
83797 저널기사 The Aphorism: Fragments from the Breakdown of Reason/ 미리보기
Morson, G. S Johns Hopkins University Press, etc.] 2003
83798 저널기사 The API2/MALT1 Fusion Product May Lead to Germinal Center B Cell Lymphomas by Suppression of Apoptosis/ 미리보기
Stoffel, A Karger 2001
83799 저널기사 The Apical Loop of the HIV-1 TAR RNA Hairpin Is Stabilized by a Cross-loop Base Pair/ 미리보기
Kulinski, T American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 2003
83800 저널기사 The apical submembrane cytoskeleton participates in the organization of the apical pole in epithelial cells 미리보기
Salas, P. J. I Rockefeller University Press 1980
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