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83801 저널기사 The APM Bright Galaxy Catalogue 미리보기
Loveday, J Priestley and Weale 1980
83802 저널기사 The APM Galaxy Survey - III. An analysis of systematic errors in the angular correlation function and cosmological implications 미리보기
Maddox, S. J Priestley and Weale 1980
83803 저널기사 The APM Galaxy Survey - V. Catalogues of galaxy clusters 미리보기
Dalton, G. B Priestley and Weale 1980
83804 저널기사 The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism 미리보기
Horne, Gerald Monthly Review Foundation 2018
83805 저널기사 The Apocalyptic Baldwin 미리보기
Sinykin, Dan Foundation for the Study of independent social ideas, inc] 2017
83806 저널기사 The apolipoprotein E ?4 allele is not a risk factor for Turkish breast cancer patients/ 미리보기
Yaylim, I Elsevier Science Pub. Co. [etc.] 2003
83807 저널기사 The Apolipoprotein epsilon4 Allele Confers Additional Risk in Children with Familial Hypercholesterolemia/ 미리보기
Wiegman, A International pediatric research foundation 2003
83808 저널기사 The Apolipoprotein E � Allele in Parkinson's Disease with Alzheimer Lesions 미리보기
Egensperger, R Academic Press 1980
83809 저널기사 The Apoptosis-inducing Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) Analog E21R Functions through Specific Regions of the Heterodimeric GM-CSF Receptor and Requires Interleukin-1�converting Enzyme-like Proteases 미리보기
Iversen, P. O American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
83810 저널기사 The Apoptosis Inhibitor Protein Survivin Induces Tumor-specific CD8^+ and CD4^+ T Cells in Colorectal Cancer Patients/ 미리보기
Casati, C Williams and Wilkins 2003
83811 저널기사 The Apoptosis-Necrosis Continuum: Insights from Genetically Altered Mice/ 미리보기
Zeiss, C. J American College of Veterinary Pathologists 2003
83812 저널기사 The Apoptotic Protein tBid Promotes Leakage by Altering Membrane Curvature 미리보기
Epand, R. F.; Martinou, J.-C.; Fornallaz-Mulhauser, M.; Hughes, D. W.; Epand, R. M. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
83813 저널기사 The Aporias of Carl Schmitt 미리보기
Bernstein, R. J. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2011
83814 저널기사 The APPAM Ph.D. dissertation award 미리보기
unknown John Wiley & Sons, Ltd 2006
83815 저널기사 The Apparatchik's Lament 미리보기
Miner, Steven Merritt Council on Foreign Relations 1995
83816 저널기사 The apparel aftermarket in India - a case study focusing on reverse logistics 미리보기
Abraham, N. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
83817 저널기사 The Apparent Coupling between Synthesis and Posttranslational Modification of Escherichia coli Acyl Carrier Protein Is Due to Inhibition of AminoAcid Biosynthesis 미리보기
Keating, D. H American Society for Microbiology [etc.] 1980
83818 저널기사 (The) (apparent) demise of sales tax deductibility: issues for analysis and policy 미리보기
David Wildasin. National Tax Association-Tax Institute of America 1988
83819 저널기사 The apparent density of sheets made from pulp blends 미리보기
Goerres, J Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry 1980
83820 저널기사 The apparent ileal digestibility, determined with young broilers, of amino acids in near-isogenic lines of peas (Pisum sativum L) differing in trypsin inhibitor activity/ 미리보기
Wiseman, J Blackwell Scientific Publ 2003
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