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83941 저널기사 The Application of Goal Systems Theory to Consumer Behavior 미리보기
Mitchell, A.; Zhang, M. Association for Consumer Research 2005
83942 저널기사 The application of group additivity parameters to the prediction of the enthalpies of formation of heteroaromatic compounds 미리보기
Bird, C. W Pergamon Press 1980
83943 저널기사 The application of high-speed CNC machining to prototype production/ 미리보기
Schmitz, Tony 2001
83944 저널기사 The Application of High-Throughput Synthesis And Purification To The Preparation Of Ethanolamines 미리보기
Shuker, A. J Pergamon Press 1980
83945 저널기사 The Application of Histochemical Methods to the Age Evaluation of Skin Wounds: Experimental Study in Rabbits/ 미리보기
Psaroudakis, Kostas Raven Press [etc.] 2001
83946 저널기사 The Application of HLM to the Analysis of the Dynamic Interaction of Environment, Person and Behavior 미리보기
Vancouver, J. B. JAI PRESS INC 1997
83947 저널기사 The Application of Implant Technology for Cybernetic Systems/ 미리보기
Warwick, K American Medical Association] 2003
83948 저널기사 The Application of Information Theory to Accounting Reports 미리보기
Babich, George. Springer-Verlag 1975
83949 저널기사 The application of in situ monitor of extremely rarefied particle clouds grown thermally above wafers by using laser light scattering method to the development of the mass-production condition of the tungsten thermal chemical vapor deposition/ 미리보기
Ito, Natsuko Published for the Society by the American Institute of Physics 2001
83950 저널기사 The application of intelligent agents in libraries: a survey 미리보기
Liu, G. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
83951 저널기사 The application of Islamic finance principles under English and DIFC law 미리보기
Reed, R. Butterworth & Co 2014
83952 저널기사 The Application of Islamic Law in Israel – Issues of Filiation between Secular and Religious LawContents 미리보기
Natour; Einhorn Verlag Recht und Wirtschaft 2020
83953 저널기사 The application of kudzu as a medium for the adsorption of heavy metals from dilute aqueous wastestreams/ 미리보기
Brown, Pauline A Elsevier Applied Science 2001
83954 저널기사 The Application of Lagrange Equations to Mechanical Systems With Mass Explicity Dependent on Position/ 미리보기
Pesce, C. P American Society of Mechanical Engineers 2003
83955 저널기사 The application of lean supply in local government: the Belfast experiments 미리보기
83956 저널기사 The application of learning theories to improve cross-cultural training programs in MNCs 미리보기
Lenartowicz, T.; Johnson, J.P.; Konopaske, R. Routledge 2014
83957 저널기사 The application of linear programming by the General Electric Company to efficiently allocate routes to trucking companies 미리보기
Yang, X.; Heragu, S.S.; Evans, G.W.; Shirkness, M.D.; Coats, A. Inderscience 2013
83958 저널기사 The application of management simulation and game teaching in Taiwan and Australia 미리보기
Liu, C. H.; Ho, C. T.; Tan, K. H. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2009
83959 저널기사 The application of marketing principles to a social marketing campaign 미리보기
Henley, N.; Raffin, S.; Caemmerer, B. Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2011
83960 저널기사 The application of mathematical programming techniques to the stability analysis of plate/stiffener assemblies 미리보기
Bedair, O. K North-Holland Pub. Co 1980
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