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821 저널기사 Aberrant Expression and Localization of Decorin in Human Oral Dysplasia and Squamous Cell Carcinoma/ 미리보기
Banerjee, A. G Williams and Wilkins 2003
822 저널기사 Aberrant Expression of Adhesion Molecules by S�zary Cells: Functional Consequences Under Physiologic Shear Stress Conditions/ 미리보기
Hwang, Sam T Williamd and Wilkins Co 2001
823 저널기사 Aberrant Expression of T-Plastin in Sezary Cells/ 미리보기
Su, M.-w Williams and Wilkins 2003
824 저널기사 Aberrant glycosylation of E-cadherin enhances cell-cell binding to suppress metastasis 미리보기
Yoshimura, M American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
825 저널기사 Aberrant high expression of B lymphocyte chemokine (BLC/CXCL13) by C11b+ CD11c+ dendritic cells in murine lupus and preferential chemotaxis of B1 cells towards BLC/ 미리보기
Ishikawa, Sho Rockefeller University Press 2001
826 저널기사 Aberrant HOXC Expression Accompanies the Malignant Phenotype in Human Prostate/ 미리보기
Miller, G. J Williams and Wilkins 2003
827 저널기사 Aberrant Hypermethylation of Tumor Suppressor Genes in Pancreatic Endocrine Neoplasms/ 미리보기
House, M. G J. B. Lippincott [etc.] 2003
828 저널기사 Aberrant inferior thyroid artery: Two cases/ 미리보기
Toniato, A C. V. Mosby Co 2003
829 저널기사 Aberrant internal carotid artery in the middle-ear space/ 미리보기
Botma, Marissa Headley Brothers 2000
830 저널기사 Aberrant Intranuclear Localization of Biotin, Biotin-binding Enzymes, and beta-Catenin in Pregnancy-Related Endometrium and Morule-Associated Neoplastic Lesions/ 미리보기
Gamachi, A Williams & Wilkins 2003
831 저널기사 Aberrant in vivo T helper type 2 cell response and impaired eosinophil recruitment in CC chemokine receptor 8 knockout mice/ 미리보기
Chensue, Stephen W Rockefeller University Press 2001
832 저널기사 Aberrant lamination in the cerebral cortex of mouse embryos lacking DNA topoisomerase IIbeta/ 미리보기
Lyu, Y. L National Academy of Sciences [etc.] 2003
833 저널기사 Aberrantly segregating centromeres activate the spindle assembly checkpoint in budding yeast 미리보기
Wells, W. A. E Rockefeller University Press 1980
834 저널기사 Aberrantly spliced mRNAs of the 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A lyase (HL) gene with a donor splice-site point mutation produce hereditary HL deficiency 미리보기
Buesa, C Lipid Research, inc.] 1980
835 저널기사 Aberrant Methylation of an Imprinted Gene U2af1-rs1(SP2) Caused by Its Own Transgene 미리보기
Hatada, I American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
836 저널기사 Aberrant Methylation of the HlC1 Promoter Is a Frequent Event in Specific Pediatric Neoplasms/ 미리보기
Rathi, A The Association 2003
837 저널기사 Aberrant mitosis in fission yeast mutants defective in fatty acid synthetase and acetyl CoA carboxylase 미리보기
Saitoh, S Rockefeller University Press 1980
838 저널기사 Aberrant pH of Melanosomes in Pink-Eyed Dilution (p) Mutant Melanocytes/ 미리보기
Puri, Neelu Williamd and Wilkins Co 2000
839 저널기사 Aberrant platelet-derived growth factor �receptor transcript as a diagnostic marker for early human germ cell tumors of the adult testis 미리보기
Mosselman, S National Academy of Sciences[etc.] 1980
840 저널기사 Aberrant promoter methylation of multiple genes in oligodendrogliomas and ependymomas/ 미리보기
Alonso, M. E Elsevier Science Pub. Co. [etc.] 2003
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