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83981 저널기사 The application of powdered activated carbon for mib and geosmin removal: predicting pac doses in four raw waters/ 미리보기
Cook, David Pergamon Press 2001
83982 저널기사 The Application of Procedural Justice Principles to Service Recovery Attempts: Outcomes for Customer Satisfaction 미리보기
Sparks, B. A.;McColl-Kennedy, J. R. Association for Consumer Research 1997
83983 저널기사 The Application of Psychotherapeutic Conceptual Models in Nursing Practice / 미리보기
Dienemann, Jackie Charles B. Slack, etc.] 1976
83984 저널기사 The application of public asset management in Indonesian local government: A case study in South Sulawesi province 미리보기
Hanis, M. H.; Trigunarsyah, B.; Susilawati, C. HENRY STEWART 2011
83985 저널기사 The application of pulsed slit-jet expansion sources in sub-Doppler degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy 미리보기
Mueller, T. Vaccaro, P. H. North Holland 1997
83986 저널기사 The application of quality function deployment in service quality management 미리보기
Andronikidis, A.; Georgiou, A.C.; Gotzamani, K.; Kamvysi, K. Emerald 2009
83987 저널기사 The application of ranking probability models to racetrack betting 미리보기
Lo, Victor S.Y Institute of Management Sciences 1995
83988 저널기사 The Application of Referent Cognitions Theory to Legal-Claiming by Terminated Workers: The Role of Organizational Justice and Anger 미리보기
Goldman, B. M. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2003
83989 저널기사 The Application of Revised Transfer Pricing Rules to Aspects of Business Models 미리보기
Andrew Hickman Kluwer Law International
83990 저널기사 The application of RFIDs in libraries: an assessment of technological, management and professional issues 미리보기
Gibb, F.; Thornley, C.; Ferguson, S.; Weckert, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
83991 저널기사 The application of serological techniques to the taxonomy of Arthrobacter and related organisms 미리보기
Gray, T. R. G Society for General Microbiology 1980
83992 저널기사 The application of simulation to veterinary practice management 미리보기
Steward, D American Veterinary Medical Association 1980
83993 저널기사 The Application of Social Accounting to Absenteeism and Personnel Turnover 미리보기
Jonson, L. C.;Jonsson, B.;Svensson, G. Pergamon Press 1978
83994 저널기사 The Application of Social and Adult Learning Theory to Training in Community Pediatrics, Social Justice, and Child Advocacy/ 미리보기
DeWitt, T. G American Academy of Pediatrics [etc.] 2003
83995 저널기사 The application of some liquid scattering functions to X-ray data from the zeolite complex m-dichlorobenzene-Ni-faujasite/ 미리보기
SIMPSON, H.D Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1970
83996 저널기사 The application of some spherical reference theories to the hard spheroid fluid [J. Chem. Phys. 99, (1993)] 미리보기
Masters, A. J American Institute of Physics 1980
83997 저널기사 The Application of Soviet Law 미리보기
S. V. Kurylev M.E. Sharpe, Inc.
83998 저널기사 The Application of Spanish Child Welfare Law 미리보기
Piconto-Novales, T. 00 1998
83999 저널기사 The application of spectral karyotyping (SKY) and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technology to determine the chromosomal content(s) of micronuclei/ 미리보기
Jackson-Cook, Colleen Leach, Natalia Tszine Elsevier 2001
84000 저널기사 The Application of Split-Coefficient matrix Method to Transient two Phase Flows 미리보기
Lu, D. M. WILEY 1996
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