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84001 저널기사 The application of standard bovine protocols for the maturation and fertilization of blesbok (Damaliscus dorcas phillipsi) oocytes using epididymal sperm cryopreserved in glycerol or dimethyl sulfoxide 미리보기
Winger, Q Butterworths, etc 1997
84002 저널기사 The Application of statistics to Quantitative Analysis/ 미리보기
Benedetti-Pechler, A. A American Chemical Society 1936
84003 저널기사 The application of supply chain management and collaborative innovation in the delivery of facilities management services 미리보기
84004 저널기사 The Application of Surface Dislocation Theory to the F.c.c.-B.c.c. Interface / 미리보기
Knowles, K. M Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1982
84005 저널기사 The application of sustainable behaviour change strategies in three built environment companies 미리보기
Bichard, E. EMERALD 2009
84006 저널기사 The Application of Systems Analysis to Government Operations (Book Review). 미리보기
Dompke, Richard K.; Zlatkovich, Charles T Ameican Institute of Cerified Public Accountant
84007 저널기사 The Application of Target Costing to the Real-Estate Investment Industry – A Dual Model Approach 미리보기
Chi-Ling, Wu; David, Brown; Prabhu, Sivabalan; Pei-How, Huang College of Management, National Cheng Kung University 2013
84008 저널기사 The application of temperature-time superposition to the study of structural development in the heat-treatment of carbon fibers 미리보기
Takaku, A Pergamon Press 1996
84009 저널기사 The Application of TFEU Articles 116 And 117 in EU Taxation 미리보기
Dafnomilis, Vasileios I. Tax Analysts 2015
84010 저널기사 The application of the 2-amino-4-pyrimidones to supramolecular synthesis 미리보기
Liao, R.-F Pergamon Press 1980
84011 저널기사 The application of the backcurling delta-dressing method to some integrable (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear equations 미리보기
Dubrovsky, V. G The Institute of Physics 1980
84012 저널기사 The application of the 'broad principle of Hedley Byrne' as between parties to a contract 미리보기
84013 저널기사 The application of the cathodic arc to plasma assisted chemical vapor deposition of carbon 미리보기
Yin, Y American Institute of Physics 1980
84014 저널기사 The Application of the CISG in the World of International Commercial Arbitration 미리보기
Janssen, A.; Matthias, S. Mohr 2013
84015 저널기사 The Application of the Fem to Determine the Response of a Pretorsioned Pipe Cluster to Static or Dynamic Axial Impact Loading 미리보기
Kormi, K Pergamon Press 1997
84016 저널기사 The application of the formyl C-H--O hydrogen bond postulate to the understanding of enantioselective reactions involving chiral boron Lewis acids and aldehydes 미리보기
Corey, E. J Pergamon Press 1980
84017 저널기사 The Application of the GATT/WTO Dispute Resolution System to Competition Issues 미리보기
Mavroidis, P. C. WERNER PUB CO LTD 1997
84018 저널기사 The application of the GATT/WTO dispute resolution system to competition issues 미리보기
Mavroidis, Petros C Werner Pub 1997
84019 저널기사 The Application of the Incremental Principle in Capital Investment Project Evaluation 미리보기
Coulthurst, N. J. Institute of Chartered Accountants 1986
84020 저널기사 The application of the indirect boundary element method to optimum shapedesign 미리보기
Bedair, O. K Pergamon Press 1997
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