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84061 저널기사 The approaches to learning of European accounting students 미리보기
Montano, J. L.; Gonzalez, J. M.; Hassall, T.; Joyce, J.; Germanou, E.; Asonitou, S. EMERALD GROUP PUBLISHING 2010
84062 저널기사 THE APPROACHING DEATH OF THE OH/IR STAR IRAS 18455+0448/ 미리보기
Lewis, B M 2001
84063 저널기사 The approach of ecological economics 미리보기
Gowdy, J.; Erickson, J. D. Oxford University Press 2005
84064 저널기사 The approach of senior public officials to information technology-related reform: lessons from India 미리보기
Heeks, R. JOHN WILEY & SONS 2000
84065 저널기사 The Approach of the Courts to Foreign Affairs and National Security: A View from New Zealand and the Hague 미리보기
Kenneth Keith The Society 2015
84066 저널기사 The Approach to the Internationalization of Enterpreneurial Activities of Czech Companies 미리보기
84067 저널기사 The Appropriate Extent of Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis: Health Professionals' and Scientists' Views on the Requirement for a `Significant Risk of a Serious Genetic Condition' 미리보기
Scott, R.; Williams, C.; Ehrich, K.; Farsides, B. Oxford University Press 2007
84068 저널기사 The Appropriate GPRA Metric for Research 미리보기
Kostoff, R. N American Association for the Advancement of Science 1980
84069 저널기사 The appropriateness of default investment options in defined contribution plans: Australian evidence 미리보기
Basu, A. K.; Drew, M. E. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2010
84070 저널기사 The Appropriateness of RAPM 미리보기
Hartmann, Frank G. H. Pergamon Press 2000
84071 저널기사 The appropriateness of RAPM: toward the further development of theory 미리보기
Hartmann, F. G. PERGAMON 2000
84072 저널기사 The appropriateness of statistical methods for testing contingency hypotheses in management accounting research 미리보기
Gerdin, J.; Greve, J. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2008
84073 저널기사 The appropriateness of the poolability assumption for multiproduct technologies: Evidence from the English water and sewerage utilities 미리보기
Bottasso, A.; Conti, M.; Piacenz, M.; Vannoni, D. Elsevier Science B.V., Amsterdam. 2011
84074 저널기사 The appropriateness of today’s airport security measures in safeguarding airline passengers 미리보기
Nalan ErgünBirsen ; Yörük Açıkel ; Uğur Turhan Butterworths 2017
84075 저널기사 The appropriate role of bank regulation 미리보기
Benston, George J Macmillan 1996
84076 저널기사 The Appropriate Role of Bank Regulation 미리보기
G. J. BENSTON;G. G. KAUFMAN; unknown 1996
84077 저널기사 The appropriation of the Phoenicians in British imperial ideology 미리보기
84078 저널기사 The Approximability of Assortment Optimization Under Ranking Preferences 미리보기
Aouad, Ali; Farias, Vivek; Levi, Retsef; Segev, Danny Operations Research Society of America : Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences, etc.] 2018
84079 저널기사 The approximate deconvolution model for large-eddy simulations of compressible flows and its application to shock-turbulent-boundary-layer interaction/ 미리보기
Stolz, S American Institute of Physics 2001
84080 저널기사 The Approximate Location of Centres of Molecules from Morphological Data 미리보기
HAZELL, A.C Published for the International Union of Crystallography by Munksgaard 1971
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