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서명 저자 발행처 원문제공시작년 수록
84641 저널기사 The assassination of Song Jiaoren: China's lost chance of democracy? 미리보기
unknown Economist Newspaper Ltd. 2012
84642 저널기사 The Assault on Agricultural Protectionism 미리보기
Ford Runge, Carlisle Council on Foreign Relations 1988
84643 저널기사 The Assault on Bad Food: Tobacco-style Litigation as an Element of the Comprehensive Scheme to Fight Obesity 미리보기
Fehn, J.J. Food and Drug Law Institute 2012
84644 저널기사 The Assault on Civil Society: Explaining State Crackdown on NGOs 미리보기
Suparna Chaudhry Cambridge University Press 2022
84645 저널기사 The Assault on Equality by Peter Knapp, Jane C. Kronick, R. William Marks, and Miriam G. Vosburgh 미리보기
Kerckhoff, A. C University of Chicago Press 1980
84646 저널기사 The Assault on Postcommunist Courts 미리보기
Bugaric̆, Bojan; Ginsburg, Tom National Endowment for Democracy 2016
84647 저널기사 THE ASSAULT ON UNIVERSITIES: A MANIFESTO FOR RESISTANCE - edited by Michael Bailey and Des Freedman 미리보기
Potschka, C. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012
84648 저널기사 The assemblage and making of suburbs in post-reform China: the case of Guangzhou 미리보기
Li, Zhigang; Chen, Yanyan; Wu, Rong V.H. Winston 2020
84649 저널기사 The assembly and immunological properties of non-linear synthetic immunogens containing T-cell and B-cell determinants 미리보기
Fitzmaurice, C. J Butterworths 1996
84650 저널기사 The Assembly and Intermolecular Properties of the hsp70-Hop-hsp90 Molecular Chaperone Complex 미리보기
Hernandez, M. P.; Sullivan, W. P.; Toft, D. O. WAVERLY PRESS INC 2002
84651 저널기사 The Assembly of a Field Ideology: An Idea-Centric Perspective on Systemic Power in Impact Investing 미리보기
Hehenberger, Lisa; Mair, Johanna; Metz, Ashley Academy of Management 2019
84652 저널기사 The assembly of carbon-linked calixarene-carbohydrate structures (C-calixsugars) by multiple Wittig olefination 미리보기
Dondoni, A Pergamon Press 1980
84653 저널기사 The assembly of human fibrinogen. The role of the amino-terminal and coiled-coil regions of the three chains in the formation of the �amma and �amma heterodimers and 褻gamma half-molecules 미리보기
Xu, W.-F American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology [etc.] 1980
84654 저널기사 The Assembly of Integrin Adhesion Complexes Requires Both Extracellular Matrix and Intracellular rho/rac GTPases 미리보기
Hotchin, N. A Rockefeller University Press 1980
84655 저널기사 The Assertion of Identity in Rural Sociology 미리보기
Falk, W. W Rural Sociology Section, American Sociological Society 1980
84656 저널기사 The assessment and condition of Fundy white birches in relation to ambient exposure to acid marine fogs 미리보기
Cox, R. M National Research Council of Canada 1996
84657 저널기사 The Assessment and Evaluation of Noneconomic Environments by American Firms: A Preliminary Report 미리보기
Stephen J. Kobrin ; John Basek ; Stephen Blank ; Joseph La Palombara Palgrave Macmillan Ltd
84658 저널기사 The Assessment and Referral Court List program in the Magistrates Court of Victoria: An Australian study of recidivism 미리보기
Chesser, Brianna; Smith, Kenneth H. Elsevier 2016
84659 저널기사 The Assessment: Climate-Change Policy 미리보기
Helm, D. Oxford University Press 2003
84660 저널기사 The Assessment: Education 미리보기
Machin, S. Oxford University Press 2004
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